You Are Racist If You Don’t Believe In Evolution

Here’s an anomaly in the liberal “everything is racist” crusade. It’s not that a belief or disbelief in evolution is racist but rather, if you question the theory, that means you have racist attitudes in other things. It seems like being skeptical of something that is a theory and not a fact would make you more open-minded but that ain’t how the left rolls.

CW 33 reports:

Charges of racism seem to get thrown around quite often these days, whether they’re true or not. Now, a new study is suggesting one factor in particular can determine whether someone holds racist or prejudice attitudes — their belief in the theory of evolution.

Researchers from the United States and Israel say they’ve found a link between people who don’t believe in the theory of evolution and higher levels of prejudice, racist, and discriminatory behavior towards people from other backgrounds.

In the U.S., study authors from the University of Massachusetts Amherst say the link led to more discriminatory behavior towards Blacks, immigrants, and the LGBTQ community. In the Middle East, Israeli researchers found a person’s disbelief in evolution made it less likely that they would support peace between Arabs, Jews, and Palestinians.

Despite he study’s claim that people who don’t believe in evolution are racist, they go on to prove that people who do believe in the theory are the real racists:

Researchers started with a theory that believing in Charles Darwin’s 19th century theory of evolution increases a person’s identification with the rest of humanity. Simply put, they would relate to other people better through their common ancestry and this would lead to less prejudicial attitudes.

“People who perceive themselves as more similar to animals are also people who tend to have more pro-social or positive attitudes toward outgroup members or people from stigmatized and marginalized backgrounds. In this investigation, we were interested in examining whether belief in evolution would also act in a similar way, because it would reinforce this belief that we are more similar to animals,” said lead author Stylianos Syropoulos.

If people who blindly believe in evolution think that humans are closely related to animals, doesn’t that mean they also have to believe that certain races that more closely resemble animals are less evolved? I’ve been told that’s kind of racist.

Contrary to claims that the theory of evolution actually promotes racism and homophobia, the researchers found the exact opposite is true. Researchers explain that Darwin’s phrase “survival of the fittest” — referring to the process of natural selection — has often been looked at in a negative context.

“There have been theoretical accounts that predict the opposite of what we found, so it was exciting for us to show that this actually is not the case, that the opposite is true and that belief in evolution seems to have pretty positive effects,” said senior author Bernhard Leidner.

The study authors did not explain how they “found” that belief in Darwin’s theories makes people less racist, but consider this: If a person believes in “survival of the fittest” they must also think that certain races have thrived while others have not. Again, this means that evolution believers think that some people are higher on the evolutionary ladder and, again, that’s racism.

It’s called “Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution” because it’s a hypothesis, not a scientific fact. Scientifically speaking, Evolution cannot be proven by data nor can it be replicated. I don’t have all of the answers, but I am a little skeptical about evolution.

First, there’s all kinds of creatures like crocodiles and sharks who haven’t evolved for hundreds of millions of years. Then, if we evolved from apes, why are there still apes? Birds allegedly evolved from dinosaurs. There are birds but no more dinosaurs.

The biggest argument against evolution however is liberals themselves. There is no group of living organisms less adapted to take care of themselves than liberals. They can’t farm, hunt, or even change a flat tire. If “survival of the fittest” was a real thing, liberals would be as extinct as the dodo bird.