Biden Blames Inflation On Putin And Then Lies That He knows What It’s Like To Be Poor

The new inflation numbers came out and things are only getting worse. Joe Biden has been blaming inflation on Russian president Vladimir Putin, which nobody is buying since inflation started way before the invasion of Ukraine. Joe once again called it “Putin’s inflation” and added a wrinkle that he knows what it’s like to be poor so don’t blame him.

Biden gave a speech at the Port of Los Angeles on Friday to address the latest inflation numbers that are at a 40-year high. Surprise, he didn’t accept responsibility for running the economy into the ground:

“Today I’d like to speak about my top economic priority: fighting inflation. I understand Americans are anxious and they’re anxious for good reason,” started Biden.

Joe Biden often claims to have come from humble beginnings but he and all of his siblings attended private Catholic school, which ain’t free or something that is associated with poor people. That’s what makes what Joe said next so damn unbelievable:

“I was raised in a household when the price of gasoline rose precipitously it was the discussion at the table. It made a difference when food prices went up,” Biden said.

Biden has told this bullshit story a million times with different variations, but the bottom line is, he says when he was growing up, if the price of gas went up, his family felt the pinch and struggled. So how do we know this is a bullshit story, besides the fact that he went to a prestigious private Catholic academy?

Well, the price of gas never really went up in the first 20 years of his life. It certainly never went up precipitously. Joe was born in 1942, when gas was 20 cents a gallon. Gas rose less than a cent per gallon a year until Joe was 20 and at that point in 1962, gasoline was 31 cents a gallon.

How did the Biden family feel the pinch of precipitous gas price hikes when they never happened while he lived at home? The first radical jump in gas prices came in 1974 when it went from 39 cents a gallon to 53 cents a gallon. In 1974, Joe was 32 years old and in his first term as a U.S. Senator. I seriously doubt paying 14 cents extra per gallon for gas, ruined him financially then.

And with that lie, Biden jumped right into another lie:

“We’ve never seen anything like Putin’s tax on both food and gas,” Biden said.

Technically, he’s right. We’ve never seen a thing that doesn’t exist, like Putin’s tax hike. It’s literally impossible to have seen imaginary things unless you are on shrooms or have dementia like Joe Biden.

Joe killed American energy independence, which is why gas prices are soaring, which in turn caused food prices to rise. He and the democrats printed trillions of dollars we don’t have, which is another contributor to inflation. This all his fault but he wants you think, Russia, who we don’t buy anything from, is the real culprit. How does that even work?

Biden blames Putin but just in case you don’t believe him, he wants you to know he can sympathize because he used to be poor. It’s all lies, just like everything else involving his illegitimate presidency.