Nancy Pelosi Elbows The Daughter Of Republican Myra Flores

I’ve been calling Nancy Pelosi The Wicked Witch of the West for years but it turns out she’s more like the witch from Hansel and Gretel who hates children. The House Speaker actually elbowed the young daughter of Republican Mayra Flores during a her swearing-in ceremony.

Last week there was a swearing-in ceremony for Hispanic Republican Mayra Flores, who won a special House election in Texas. She had her whole family there and Nancy Pelosi was on hand to bring the hatred:

As you can see, Flores’ daughter was a little too close for Pelosi’s liking so the evil witch shoved the little girl with her elbow.

Flores took to Twitter to praise her daughter:

And because democrats think that people will believe their bullshit over what they’ve seen with their own two eyes, Pelosi’s chief of staff scolded everyone for believing Nasty Nancy actually pushed a young child:

As you can also see, Hammill tweeted out footage of Nancy Pelosi clearly elbowing Flores’ daughter. His explanation is that Pelosi was actually trying to help the girl by making sure she was in the picture. Democrats really do think people are stupid, don’t they?

The problem with this liberal spin is that Pelosi didn’t nudge the girl forward, she elbowed her back and to the side. If Pelosi were indeed trying to make sure the girls was in the photo, she would have looked at her and then gently moved her into position. Instead, Pelosi gave the girl an elbow without every looking at her because she was disgusted that a Hispanic child was touching her.

And that’s the thing, if Trump or any white Republican did the exact same thing to the daughter of democrat woman of color, democrats and the media would be screaming racism. The liberal media however is reporting this like it’s a vast right-wing conspiracy:

The Hill: Mayra Flores says Pelosi ‘pushed’ daughter during photo op

The Daily Beast: GOP Rep Mayra Flores Accuses Nancy Pelosi of ‘Pushing’ Daughter During Photo Op

The Independent: Nancy Pelosi accused of pushing congresswoman’s young daughter in photo op

Well no, it’s not that Pelosi is accused of doing this or that Flores says she did it, there’s very clear video. See how the framing works? They make it seem like Flores is attacking Pelosi with unfounded accusations when, again, there is video evidence of the elbowing. BTW, most of the big liberal media outlets didn’t even bother to report on this.

Nancy Pelosi is an evil hateful which who has nothing but contempt for anyone who won’t kiss her wrinkly old ass. She hated to have to swear in a Republican who flipped a district long-held by democrats. Just wait till after the midterms when democrats lose control of the House. Pelosi will moshing and Kun-Fuing her way through all of the new Republican’s children.