Man who Neutralized Greenwood Mall Shooter Did in 15 Seconds What 376 Law Enforcement Officers in Uvalde, Texas Couldn’t Do in 77 Minutes

More to know about the actions of the “good guy with a gun,” Eli Dicken:  The quick-reacting, selfless, qualified concealed-carry 22-year-old hero who shot and killed the Greenwood Park Mall mass shooter in Greenwood, Indiana.

This from

As Alex Parker explained, the killer came loaded for bear:

The shooter was armed with a Sig Sauer 400M 5.56-caliber rifle.
He had a Smith & Wesson M&P 15 5.56 on reserve in the restroom.
A Glock 33 .357 pistol was on his person.
He was armed with over 100 rounds.
He’d been frequently practicing at a range for the past two years.
He had resigned from his warehouse job in May.
Police were told by family they believe he’d received a notice of eviction.

More details are emerging that show how God must have been with Dicken in his actions, because they surely were amazing.

The killer went into the bathroom near the food court, preparing for the attack.

When he finally came out and started shooting, Dicken saw him and his rifle from 40 yards away and immediately understood what was happening.

The shooter shot and killed three people. He injured two.

The initial police report stated that it took Dicken two minutes to respond to the shooter. But that was not correct. The police have since corrected that part of their report.

Dicken neutralized the shooter within 15 seconds of him starting to shoot, an astounding reaction, doubtless saving countless other lives.

These pictures show what the food court looked like, and how Dicken would have had a good line of sight to the shooter coming out of the bathroom.

Dicken engaged him from approximately 30 yards away and hit him with eight of ten shots, taking him down and preventing him from retreating into the bathroom.

Note: Eight of ten strikes at 30 yards under significant pressure after having made himself a return-fire target by someone with a rifle. That is absolutely astounding. And damn good shooting.

Not only that, but Dicken had the presence of mind to tell other people to get out of the way and to “leave behind him.”

It shows you the difference between one young man who was ready and willing to act at great risk to himself and nearly 400 cowards who failed to act as they should have in Uvalde, Texas.

May God bless this young man.

A God thing or a coincidence?

Whichever, We the People are extremely fortunate a recurring ensemble of trained, responsive, heroic young people continue to enter our lives ever so briefly but most effectively.

Ensuring these young heroes are not persecuted by the liberal mass propaganda media and the woke progressive two-tiered justice system, must become a determined function of conservative America—We the People.

Afterall, if we stand by and allow the corrupt democrat-communist machine to continue to villainize our heroes, we will soon discover heroes are no longer responding.

Thank you and Job Well Done, Mr. Dicken.