Anti-Gun Activist Threatens To Take Republican Congressman’s AR-15

Beto O’Rourke’s presidential campaign never caught on, but his “hell yes, we’re taking your AR-15” nonsense is spreading like wild (gun) fire. Fred Guttenberg is the father of a girl who was killed in the Parkland, Florida school shooting and a raging anti-gun activist. Taking a cue from Beta O’Dork, Guttenberg has threatened to come down to Republican Rep. Ken Buck’s office and take his AR-15.

This starts back in September, 2019 when O’Rourke was still a candidate for president. At one of the many unwatchable democratic party debates, he let it be know he was coming for our guns.

“Hell yes we’re going to take your AR-15, your AK-47,” said O’Rourke.

Joe Biden was so impressed with O’Rourke’s hatred of the 2nd, 5th, and 14th Amendments that 3 days ago he recruited O’Rourke to be his gun confiscation guy if he’s elected president.

Colorado Rep. Ken Buck was less impressed by Biden and O’Rourke’s unconstitutional gun confiscation plans so he made this video with an invitation:

“I have just one message for Joe Biden and Beto O’Rourke, if you want to take everyone’s AR-15s in America, why don’t you swing by my office in Washington, D.C. and start with this one? Come and take it,” dared Buck

Molon labe, mofos!

Guttenberg, whose daughter was killed in the Marjory Stoneman Douglas high school shooting, took the dare in the least brave way possible: with a tweet.

I’m sure Guttenberg would have totally gone down to Buck’s office and took away his AR-15 if only he had know about it in time. What a lying sack of cowardice.

This tweet is messed up in every way possible. Buck never even implied he was glad Guttenberg’s daughter was killed. Where the hell did he even get that from? Buck was making a point that Americans have a 2nd Amendment right to keep and bear arms while calling Biden and O’Rourke’s bluff to come confiscate his weapon.

Buck also didn’t make anything resembling a threat. He simply invited a couple of democratic blowhards to back up their tough unconstitutional talk. Guttenberg however did make a threat that he would make a special trip to Washington D.C. to “remove” Buck’s AR-15.

The biggest point missed by Guttenberg is that Rep. Buck is simply standing up for the Constitutional right of gun ownership. This also shows that the gun control agenda of Biden, O’Rourke, and all liberals has absolutely nothing with getting guns out of the hands of criminals. It’s an effort to disarm Americans. All they are talking about is taking legally-owned guns from law-abiding people.

The bottom line is, if you you threaten to take something a person has a right to own, you’re likely to encounter some resistance. If that thing you are trying to confiscate is a gun, that resistance is going to come gift-wrapped in a copper jacket.