Biden Is So Mentally Unfit That Reuters Has To Fact-Check Obviously Fake Video To Protect Him

There’s a video of Biden being lured away by an ice cream truck that is so obviously fake literally no one would be leave it’s real and yet Reuters fact-checked it. The reason is because Biden is such a giblet head that there is worry on the left that people could possibly think the video is legit. This speaks volumes to the level of of Biden’s mental decline and overall unfitness to hold the office of the presidency.

A deep-fake video this ain’t:

Nobody on Twitter was like, “Dude, is that real?” and yet here’s Reuters to the rescue:

Even weirder, the video is almost a year old and Reuters suddenly felt the urge need to fact-check it:

Social media users are sharing a video of U.S. President Joe Biden walking away momentarily during a speech given by U.S. First Lady Jill Biden and claiming that he was distracted by an ice cream truck. The video being shared, however, has been digitally edited to include music usually played by an ice cream truck.

The original video was posted on C-SPAN on Sept. 10, 2021 with the caption: “President Biden and first lady Jill Biden spoke at Washington, D.C.’s Brookland Middle School about the coronavirus pandemic and keeping children safe. The president urged parents to get their children vaccinated if they were eligible.”

At around the 01:35 mark, Biden can be seen walking out of frame and returning a few seconds later, but no ice cream truck can be seen in the video nor can any music be heard.

This video has been digitally edited to include ice cream truck music as U.S. President Joe Biden walked away momentarily during first lady Jill Biden’s speech.

That’s one hell of a piece of “journalism” right there. In related news, the Death Star wasn’t really blown up, that was movie special effects.

Making this even funnier, Reuters’ criteria for things they fact-check includes: “Could the material potentially cause real-world harm, if it is inaccurate?”

According to Reuters, mother*ckers are going to die if people believe Joe Biden wandered off after an ice cream truck.

Obviously the liberal media is contractually obligated to protect Biden and the democrats at all cost but there’s more to it than that.

If Biden were mentally sharp and alert, there is no way Reuters would have fact-checked this video. The problem is, Joe has completely lost his mind and there is genuine worry that people could look at this obvious fake video and believe it is real. It’s not out of the realm of possibilities that Biden could be lured away from a speech by an ice cream truck because his brain is scrambled.

This is Reuters saying Joe Biden is mentally unfit without saying Joe Biden is mentally unfit.