The inflation rate for July was 8.5%, which is lower than the 9.1% recorded in June. It still means that inflation is way up, at a 40-year high, and consumer prices haven’t dropped a cent. Using some creative math and economics, Joe Biden claims inflation was 0% last month.
Biden signed the PACT Act, which will help veterans affected by toxic burn pits, but first he had to pat himself on the back for this big economic “win.”
“Before I begin today, I want to say a word about news that came out today relative to the economy. Ax shy I just want to say a number: zero. Today we received news that our economy had zero percent inflation in the month of July. Zero percent,” said Biden.
No, it was 8.5%. How does he get zero from that?
“Here’s what that means; while the price of some things go up, went up last month, the price of other things went down by the same amount. The result: zero inflation last month,” Biden said.
That’s not how things work, Joey. And the reality of things is that the price of nothing went down last month. The highly inflated cost of food, housing, and energy continued to rise. In fact, Biden cited “core inflation” which ignores the price of food and gas as the reason why he thinks things are awesome now. BTW, core inflation was up 5.9%, which is still way more than zero.
The thing is, Biden has said that the inflation was entirely due to Vladimir Putin invading Ukraine. Russia is still in Ukraine, so nothing’s changed. He can’t take credit for lowering inflation, which he didn’t do, if it’s Putin’s fault for starting a war.
The actual point of this speech was to sign the PACT Act and Biden had some more lies to go along with that.
“Veterans of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan not only faced dangers in battle, they were breathing toxic smoke from burn pits. Because I was vice president and chairman of the foreign vice committee before that, I was in and out of Iraq over 20 times,” said Biden.
WTF? is the foreign vice committee? Also, he never went to Iraq more than 20 times. In  2019, Biden claimed he had been to Iraq and Afghanistan 30 times. During his SOTU address in March he said 40 times. In April of this year he escalated it to 50 times.
Through a simple Google search, I was able to establish that he’s only been to Iraq and Afghanistan 6 times, with 4 of those visits being to Iraq. I guess if 8.5% inflation is 0%, then 4 visits to Iraq is more than 20.
Biden also indicated that his son Beau died from exposure to burn pits in Iraq, which is a total load.
“When they came home, many or the fittest and best warriors that we sent to war were not the same. Headaches, numbness, dizziness, cancer. My son Beau was one of them,” Biden said.
Again, not true. Beau Biden wasn’t a warrior, he was an army lawyer. He had a 7-month deployment in Iraq and saw no combat. He was diagnosed with a rare form of cancer in 2001, way before his 2008 stint in Iraq.
I guess if 8.5% inflation is 0%, and 4 visits to Iraq is more than 20, then cancer from 2001 was caused by burn pits in 2008.