Biden Cancels Student Loan Debt, Which Is Something He Has No Authority To Do

When Donald Trump was President, all we heard from democrats and the liberals was that he was a dictator wannabe who constantly exceeded his authority. Mind you, they didn’t have any examples of him abusing his power but since when are liberal narratives based on anything but lies? In related news, Joe Biden just cancelled student loan debt, which is something he has absolutely no authority to do.

After three weeks of vacation, Biden came back and did this:

He also said he’d build a great economy and unite the nation so I wonder why he chose to only keep this campaign promise. Also, he can’t keep this one because he doesn’t have the authority to do it.

How do I know he lacks the power to forgive student loan debt? Because it’s a spending plan. This publicity stunt will cost the taxpayers $373 billion, meaning that it has to be paid for. Only Congress is allowed to steal our money and waste it on stupid shit, not the (illegitimate) president.

Don’t believe me? Well, Nancy Pelosi has my back on this one:

I wonder what has changed in the 4 months since Pelosi said this. My guess is, that by looking the other way as Biden exceeds his authority, democrats are hoping it will help them in the midterms. They’re using our money to buy votes, which makes it even more f*cked up.

Now here’s the best part, The Hill reports that Biden’s illegal move won’t actually do much to improve anyone’s life:

Out of the approximately 45 million borrowers that exist in the U.S., only about 15 million have loan debt under $10,000. The remaining 30 million will likely only see their loan balances slightly lowered and little change to monthly payments once they resume.

Biden’s plan does not address those borrowers who have privately held loans, with a bank or credit union, which accounts for about 13 percent of student borrowers and 8 percent of the nation’s outstanding loan debt — close to $140 billion.

Data shows the average student borrower owes more than $37,000 in federal student loan debt to be paid off over 20 years.   

Many borrowers who are on income-driven repayment plans — about one in every three student borrowers — also may not see their monthly payments change, as their payments are dependent on their earnings, not their loan balance.

If liberal-ass The Hill says Biden’s unconstitutional stunt is bullshit, it’s bullshit.

To summarize: Biden is illegally stealing $373 billion of our money to do something that won’t make much of a difference at all. I can’t think of a more democratic party thing than that.

The worst part about this is, all of these people took out student loans under their own power. Nobody forced them to do it. Where’s the federal government forgiveness on my mortgage? If these assholes don’t have to pay their debts, why should I?