Joe Biden: ‘This Is The United States Camaro For God’s Sake’

I always thought Joe Biden was a Corvette guy but it turns out he might be into Camaros. One thing is clear, he’s not an American guy. In his continuing assault on the English language, Joe angrily yelled, “This is the United States Camaro, for God’s sake!” Personally, I’m a Mopar guy so this is yet another way in which Biden doesn’t represent me.

Biden was at Logan airport in Boston to continue selling the Infrastructure bill that passed last year. Is it a coincidence that the day after the 9/11 anniversary, Biden chose t goo to one of the airports the terrorists flew out of?

In any case, he was in top form.

“Look, uh, he’s making sure prah-jess like the one here that were the talk about uh done with not labor,” said Biden.

It’s unclear who “he” is but I’m pretty sure whoever it is said nothing of the sort to Biden.

He also said “degation,” “muhlegaslasure,” and “sahlargess.” Don’t worry what he was trying to say, words are meaningless to Joe Biden.


“This is the United States Camero for God’s sake! This is not who we are,” Biden said.

The first time I heard this it sounded like Camaro but after a couple of listens it could also be “Gamera.” I already ready wrote the headline and first couple of paragraphs so I’m not going to change them. Whether he was talking about a Z-28 or the giant turtle from the Godzilla universe, he very clearly didn’t say “America.”

Also, either way it doesn’t make any sense because he didn’t include the word “of.” He didn’t say, “this is the United States of Camaro” or “United States of Gamera” just that it was “the United States Camaro.” Is there a Camaro that belongs to the entire country? If so, where is it and when is it my turn to drive it?

Angered that no U.S. airports rank in the top 25 in the world, Biden asked, “What er hell is wrong with us?”

There’s nothing wrong with us but I can see few issues with Biden. He can’t speak, has violent mood swings, and is terribly forgetful. Perhaps he should use some of those infrastructure dollars to rebuild his head.

Case and point:

“Last month if your flight was cancelled or delay, no top airline guaranteed cover you cost of hotels meals only guarantee few one guaranteed free booking even when lay or cancellation was the airline’s fault. Well, then Secretary Buttigeig in my cress called ’em out,” said Biden.

Sure thing, Joe.

Biden closed by forgetting the Declaration of Independence again.

“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men and women are created equal, endowed by their creator with certain inalien,” Biden said.

Hey, that more than he usually remembers.

Weirdly enough, Biden made no mention of the MAGA Republican threat to democracy in the entire speech. My guess is he forgot that too.

I could see Biden struggling to pronounce “Antidisestablishmentarianism” or “Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious” but seeing as he’s the illegitimate president of the United States, “America” should be a slam dunk for even someone with advanced cognitive decline like him.