Huge If True: Biden Says You Can Light Your House With An Electric Vehicle

Joe Biden keeps pushing his Infrastructure bill that passed well over a year ago because it beats talking about the disaster he’s created for this country. In infrastructure speech #12,046, Biden claimed, thanks to this leadership, you can light your home by plugging it into your electric vehicle. Where that electricity comes from is a mystery but then again so are the weird thoughts in Joe’s dementiated head.

Joe delivered remarks at the White House in front of handpicked guests who will probably vote for democrats on Tuesday, to convince them to vote for democrats on Tuesday. He kicked things off with a mini Kamala Harris-esque word salad. More like a fragmented word salad.

“Lonnie became, was convinced, not by me but convinced by circumstance that the future of labor was in the future,” said Biden. “The future is about the future.”

No shit? Next thing you know he’s going to tell us that labor’s past in in the past. BTW, he spent a lot of time talking about Lonnie without explaining who the f*ck that is.

Biden then rehashed his Dr. Evil routine:

“We have American and non-American companies investing literally several trillion billion hundreds of billions of dollars because it’s the future,” Biden said.

Say what you want, that’s a shitload of money.

Biden then bragged that he passed 3 key pieces of legislation. He listed them as The Infrastructure Bill, The CHIPS Act, The Infrastructure Bill, and the CHIPS Act. That’s actually 4 things but only 2 different things. Numbers just ain’t his thing. Speaking of which:

“You know we have the blades of wind turbines now that are one hundred and two four one hundred and four yards long,” said Biden.

Say what you want, that’s a long-ass wind turbine. Too bad it doesn’t exist. And speaking of things that don’t exist:

“You know, a lightning storm takes out all the electricity in the house, guess what, you can plug your car into the house and make it light up. You think I’m joking? It’s a little simplistic but yes you can,” said Biden.

No, I think you’re insane. My house, like every other house in the country isn’t set up to plug an alternate source of electricity into it. The electric companies made sure of that. I could run a generator and bring some cords into the house, but that wouldn’t power everything. Also, electric vehicles aren’t equipped to distribute electricity, just consume it.

But Biden is correct that he’s a “little simplistic” so there’s that.

Now that I think about it, didn’t Joe claim an electric storm burned his house to the ground and nearly killed his wife Jill and some firefighters? Does this radical electric car technology also put out house fires or does it just light up the house as it burns?

A major theme in this incoherent speech was Biden claiming that green energy is superior to fossil fuel energy. At one point he claimed that wind energy is cheaper than oil and gas. If that’s remotely true, why doesn’t every state just use the green energy? The reason is because Biden is full of shit. Renewable energy is way more expensive and much less reliable.