Joe Biden Claims 2nd Amendment Bans Flamethrowers

Joe Biden has a law degree, was a U.S, Senator for a million years, and has occupied the White House for over two years, and yet somehow doesn’t understand the laws that govern our nation. In yet another lie about the 2nd Amendment, Biden claims it bans flamethrowers. He must have gotten tired of lying that the 2A bans cannons and found a new legal weapon to Bs about.

Biden was in North Carolina trying to convince people he’s doing a good job, when he gave a few incoherent words on the Nashville Christian school shooting that was perpetrated by a transgender killer. Like he did on the day of the tragedy, he tried to make it all about his dead son:

“I lost a child, not to that. I lost a child on accident and to a cancer, but I tell you, there’s nothing like losing a child,” said Biden.

He lost a child on accident and another to a cancer? Why is basic English so difficult for this guy?

Also, why is basic civics so difficult for this guy? Check out this lesson in Constitutional retardation:

“I’m a 2nd Amendment a guy,” started Biden.

So far it’s a pretty bad start from this “2nd Amendment a guy,” but it got worse.

“I have two shotguns. My sons have shotguns,” said Biden.

He doesn’t even have sons (plural) because, as he noted, one of them died from a cancer.

“You know, but our states, you know everybody thinks somehow the 2nd Amendment is absolute. You’re not allowed to go out and own a an automatic weapon, you’re not allowed to own orm machine-gun, you’re not allowed to ohm a flamethrower, you’re not allowed to own so many things,” claimed Biden.

The 2nd Amendment says absolutely nothing about restricting the ownership of automatic weapons, orm machine-guns, or flamethrowers, it simply states that the right to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.

There are plenty of unconstitutional gun control laws that do infringe upon that right, but the fact remains that people can own automatic weapons. It takes some serious cash and jumping through hoops, but a person can own an automatic weapon in the United States.

As for flamethrowers, Wikipedia refutes Joe’s claim:

In the United States, flamethrowers are broadly legal for personal ownership and use. California requires a permit for the possession of a flamethrower, and only Maryland has outright banned their ownership and use. No federal laws exist regarding flamethrowers, as they are not defined as weapons under the National Firearms Act.

If you can own something in California, it’s definitely not banned.

Biden quickly pivoted to “assault weapons” which is what he calls semi-automatic firearms, so he was trying to equate machine-guns with AR-15s.

“Why in God’s name do we allow these weapons of war in our streets and in our schools,” said Biden.

They aren’t weapons of war and we don’t allow them in schools as those are gun-free zones.

And finally, Biden gave this assessment of the power of the Ar-15:

“It’s not just merely the weapon, in terms of its, that it’s semi-automatic in effect, but the velocity in which it comes out of that muzzle. what it does when it hits the body. Most bullets would go just straight through and out, leaving little [holes], but it blows up when it’s inside your body. What in God’s name, what in God’s name does anyone need that for?” Biden said.

Apparently, Ar-15s can only fire exploding rounds, and any projectile that can penetrate the human body is non-lethal.

Joe Biden didn’t say one thing that was true, but the liberal media will never hold him accountable for his lies. I was going to comment that it’s hard to be this full of shit, but when the entire fake news has your back, it’s quite easy.