Creepy Joe Biden Hits On Some Underage Girls

Underage girls can’t vote, so let’s assume this is less of an effort to pander and more of a pedophilia type of thing. At a sparsely attended campaign event, Joe Biden was seen hitting on some young girls. Luckily, thanks to coronavirus and social distancing, he wasn’t able to sniff their hair or let them rub his hairy legs. Meanwhile, the liberal media pretends like everything is okay with this creepy pervert because beating Trump is the only important thing.

Behold, the democratic party nominee for president:

“The good news is, for me, I’m here. The bad news is, for you is, I’m coming back,” said Biden.

For once in his life, Biden actually told the truth. It really is bad news, especially for young girls, that he intends to come back. Especially considering what he said next to a group of underage girls:

“And I want to see these beautiful young ladies, I want to see them dancing when they’re four years older,” added Creepy Joe.

Wow. This is something that would cause a full-scale meltdown on the left if President Trump said it. Biden is literally hitting on juvenile females as the centerpiece of his 12-person campaign rally.

Lucky for Joe the entire liberal media is on his side so this will never be a big deal. If they cover this at all, they are sure to spin it in his favor. They’ll say that he isn’t flirting with the young girls, but rather is waiting for them to reach adulthood in 4 years so everything is nice and legal.

Maybe Joe saying he wants to see some young girls shake their asses in a few years isn’t the worst thing a democrat has ever done to women but adding it to the long list of Biden’s perversions and it really helps paint the portrait of a pedophile pervert.

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It’s amazing how liberal women and hairy arm pitted feminists can support someone like this. Then again, liberals only think things are wrong if someone from the other team does them. Biden could run a dog fighting ring from his rape dungeon while dressed in a Nazi SS uniform and the entire left would look the other way, feigning outrage that Trump is the real dog-killing/rapist/racist.