Shifty Adam Schiff Announces Senate Run With Hilarious Video

Rep. Adam Schiff got booted from the House Intelligence Committee because he’s a leaker and a liar. While he’s pretending to be shocked, he’s actually embracing this as a way to boost his recently announced run for Dianne Feinstein’s Senate seat. Because he’s a shifty schitt, he put out a hilarious video full of bullshit and chickenshit to announced his candidacy.

This starts of with Speaker of the House, Kevin McCarthy, kicking Schiff to the curb:

Just to be funny, McCarthy should have told Schiff if he can produce the overwhelming evidence of Russian collusion he claims he has, that he could stay on the Intel Committee.

In any case, Schiff got on Twitter to complain about his appropriate dismissal from the committee:

It was the democrats who weaponized committee assignments, so turnabout is fair play. Schiff then went on Tik Tok to cry a little more:

Like in his tweet, Schiff says in the video that getting booted from the House Intelligence Committee is just the beginning of his fight for democracy. It turns out, he’s using this as a launch for his Senate run. Check out this hysterical video:

Right off the bat we have some comedy gold with Schiff claiming that our economy isn’t working for millions of Americans. Remind me again of which political party has been in complete control for the past 2 years. Oh yeah, that’s right, it’s the democrats. Schiff thinks that highlighting his party’s failures with the economy is a reason why he should be given a more prominent position in the government.

The truly hilarious part about this video however is the Schiff included a bunch of clips of people saying negative things about him. There’s Trump calling him corrupt and a “pencil neck,” Sean Hannity saying he is a “national disgrace, and Tucker Carlson asserting he is “unfit to serve in office.”

There is no context to these clips or any kind of an attempt to counter them. They’re just randomly slipped in between Schiff’s “accomplishments” and his bio. What that means is, he is running for Senate on the massage that he’s a pencil necked disgrace who shouldn’t be in office. For once, I agree with him.

Another funny aspect about this is that Dianne Feinstein hasn’t even announced her retirement yet. Yes, her mind is complete gone, but so is Joe Biden’s, and he’s still in office. It’s a little presumptuous for Schiff to announce his bid for her seat before she relinquishes it.