“FIRST COME THE TANKS, THEN COME THE NUKES.” President Trump Calls for End to Crazy War with Russia—A War Prophesied by Nostradamus

There is now one world leader who is calling for peace. That leader is President Donald Trump.

This from thegatewaypundit.com.

President Trump posted this on Truth Social Thursday morning.



On Wednesday Germany and the U.S. announced they were sending tanks into Ukraine to fight Russia.


World War III Update: Germany Joins Joe Biden and Sends Tanks to Ukraine to Escalate War with Russia


Only ONE global leader is calling for peace.


Only ONE global leader sees the danger that lies ahead of these erratic decisions by the current crop of weak and erratic Western leaders.


That ONE global leader—President Trump—warned about this back in September.


Trump Warns That Conflict in Ukraine Could Start WWIII, Says It Wouldn’t Have Happened if He Was Still President

President Trump was the only U.S. President in decades not to start a new war while in office.

Now will his statesmanship help prevent this European War?

The following from an article by on the-sun.com.

The Frenchman, Nostradamus, during the 16th century, made chilling predictions of WW3 in 2023 after ‘correctly foreseeing’ the Ukraine conflict in 2022.

NOTE: Def-Con News readers:

The US Sun is an online-only version of The Sun, a daily tabloid newspaper published in the United Kingdom and Ireland. The US Sun focuses on US News and publishes sensational UK news for which The Sun is famous.

Overall, The Sun Magazine is Left-Center biased based on editorial positions that moderately favor the left. The magazine is rated High for factual reporting due to a clean fact check record.

Yes, astrologist Michel de Nostredame—Nostradamus—who is said to have correctly foreseen the Ukraine war, also predicted a doomsday World War Three scenario for 2023.

Nostradamus, who had accurately predicted major world events during the 16th century, believed that the current conflict in Eastern Europe could spark a “great war”.

The astrologer died well over 450 years ago, but his prophecies have continued to amaze those who follow his work.

More than 70 per cent of his 6,338 prophecies have been fulfilled so far, according to Yearly Horoscope.

Many of his predictions, such as the rise to power of Adolf Hitler, World War II, the September 11 terrorist attack, the French Revolution, and the development of the atomic bomb have been interpreted as being accurate.

Nostradamus also appeared to have predicted the start of the coronavirus pandemic of 2020, according to believers.

The prophet referred to a war in Europe in 2022.

Are we witnessing the diabolical plan of the communists/globalists coming to fruition?

Are we witnessing the END OF DAYS?

Final thought: There are those who believe President Trump will be able to negotiate a peace in Europe. The world—with possibly the exception of the communist/globalist cabal—would breathe a sigh of relief to see the end of the war in Ukraine, and the end of the seemingly inevitable spread.

God speed to President Trump.