Did The FBI Just Murder An Elderly Trump Supporter?

When Donald Trump was president, TDS-suffering liberals and even celebs were free to threaten his life without consequence. Now that Joe Biden is occupying the White House, threatening the president is a death sentence. An elderly Trump supporter posted something dumb on Facebook, so the FBI showed up and killed him.

Maybe you heard something about how the FBI killed a man they said threatened Joe Biden’s life, but there’s way more to the story than the liberal media is letting on. In fact, the details of the case are probably why they aren’t reporting much about it and are trying to bury it.

75-year-old Craig Robertson was a retired weld inspector and Air Force veteran from Provo, Utah. He walked with a cane and was the primary caregiver for his disabled adult son. He was also a Trump supporter who made some veiled threats against Joe Biden on Facebook that began over a year ago. Joe Biden was in Utah yesterday and that’s also when the FBI showed up at Robertson’s house and shot him to death.

The Cougar Chronicle reports that an FBI assault team arrived at Robertson’s residence in provo at 6am on August 9. They smashed in the front of his house with a vehicle-mounted battering ram, stormed in, and killed him.

A Neighbor caught some of the action when the FBI deployed a flash bang grenade:

Robertson was a gun owner and the FBI claimed he was armed when they shot him, but there’s no evidence of that. In fact, after they killed him, the feds dragged his body out and dropped it on the sidewalk. They probably didn’t want any crime scene photos showing him unarmed in his bed.

Whatever the case was, the FBI showed up with a tactical assault team and military assault vehicles, to take down an elderly, enfeebled man. They were there to take his life, not bring him in peacefully. Reportedly, they had him under surveillance when he went to church and could have easily arrested him without incident. Instead, they lunched a violent raid on his home.

So, what exactly did Robertson do to earn a state execution? Well, last September he posted this on Facebook:

The time is right for a presidential assassination or two. First Joe then Kamala!!!

That’s not something I would recommend posting on social media, but it is not a direct threat, and more of wishful thinking. Robertson doesn’t say he is going to assassinate anyone, just that he thought it would be cool if someone did.

Then, on Monday, Robertson posted this:

I hear Biden is coming to Utah. Digging out my old ghille suit and cleaning the dust off the m24 sniper rifle. welcom, buffoon-in-chief!

That’s certainly more of a threat, but still not an actual one. Robertson implies that he would snipe Joe Biden, but doesn’t actually say it. It’s a post that deserves a visit from the Secret Service, but not a heavily-armed FBI raid.

Robertson made more credible threats against other politicians like California governor Gavin Newsom and NY attorney general Leticia James, but the feds didn’t do anything about those. It was the Biden “threats” that set off the assault.

Now let’s jump into the Wayback Machine and see how threats against the president used to be cool:

In September of 2020, then-governor of New York, Andrew Cuomo, threatened Donald Trump with death if he dared set foot in NYC. For the record, the FBI didn’t blast their way into the governor’s mansion and take Cuomo out.

In March of 2019, Puerto Rican governor, Ricardo Rosselló, threatened to punch Donald Trump in the mouth. Not only didn’t he get killed by the FBI, nobody from federal law enforcement talked to him about it.

In 2019, Bette Middler threatened to kill Trump with a swarm of bees, threatened to stab him to death, and threatened to lynch Trump and his children.The FBI never smashed in the front of Middler’s mansion and pumped her full of lead.

If the FBI killing of Craig Robertson was in any way legitimate, the liberal media would be all over this story, but instead it’s disappearing in less than a day. If he was a credible threat with a real plan to assonate Joe Biden, the story would be everywhere. The fact that he was an old guy who posted some dumb shit on social media, supports the idea that the heavy-handed FBI murdered him.