Louis Farrakhan’s takes on white people and Jews are way out there, but so is his knowledge of Scripture, which …
Author: Brian Anderson
During the Obama years, Al Sharpton was at the top of the race-hustling heap. He visited the White House hundreds …
This is fun. A black muslim student at Missouri Western State University flipped the f*ck out over the sight of …
This is certainly one of the weirdest examples of Trump Derangement Syndrome I’ve ever seen. A reporter for a cheese-based …
Pope Francis lives in Vatican City, an independent country surrounded by walls, and yet felt the need to give President …
I’d say this was some kind of a joke but every day is April Fool’s Day for liberals. Last week …
Though he has some competition from Eric “Duke Nukem” Swalwell and Shifty Adam Schitt, California Rep. Ted Lieu’s position as …
Thanks to a little intervention of the part of Michelle Obama’s people, the Cook County State’s Attorney dropped all charges …
If only there were a way I could have found a way to throw some more 3-letter acronyms into that …
We all know “Crazy” Joe Biden, “Delusional” Joe Biden, and “Tough Guy” Joe Biden, but easily his most famous persona …