While Nancy Pelosi holds the coronavirus relief effort hostage to push her liberal agenda, he daughter proves that the rotten …
Category: COVID-19
Have you notice how much everyone on the left looks at the coronavirus crisis as an opportunity to push their …
The Senate was all set to pass a massive coronavirus relief package today but the democrats blocked it because it …
In the last article I wrote I mentioned that my wife thought we didn’t have enough ammunition. So I called …
Liberals have already told us that the coronavirus will lead to children getting shot as well as mass shootings, but …
The county of Los Angeles and the state of California have placed all residents on lockdown to slow the speed …
Yesterday there was considerable and appropriate outrage that a pair of Republican Senators had used insider coronavirus information to sell …
Billionaire Micheal Bloomberg wasted hundreds of millions of his own money to run a pathetic presidential campaign, which is fine. …
The entire liberal media was calling it the “Chinese coronavirus” or the “Wuhan coronavirus” until Republicans started using these terms …
Like a wildfire, panic feeds on itself and burns out of control but are the American sheeple being herded to …