Sarah Silverman Suggests Trump Will Round Up Jews For Extermination

Comparing Donald Trump to Adolf Hitler is nothing new for the left, but they usually do it in vague terms or with analogies. They’ll say that Trump’s rise to power is similar to Hitler’s or that the President’s immigration polices are reminiscent of the Nazis’. It’s all BS to be sure, but generally done with ambiguity. Irritating comedian Sarah Silverman however has drawn a direct parallel between Trump and Hitler by suggesting the President is on the verge of rounding up Jews and putting them in death camps.

Silverman was on Real Time with Bill Maher, because the weasely host likes to have a good mix of lunatic liberals and lunatic leftists to get both sides of the debate. They were discussing Silverman’s recent Hollywood Walk of Fame Star, which was so unimportant nobody actually covered it.

“You know, in a time, Bill, where anti-Semitic crime is up 57% since this douchebag has taken office, it is not lost on me that I am very lucky that I get a star and I don’t have to sew it on my clothes,” said Silverman.

Silverman is of course referring to the yellow Star of David the Nazis required Jews in occupied Poland to wear. This marking was then used to identify Jews so they could be rounded up and shipped off to concentration camps where they were systematically exterminated. What Silverman is suggesting here is that Trump is on the verge of doing the same thing in the US, which is as ridiculous and offensive as it sounds.

Silverman wasn’t joking about this either.

“Oh, no you didn’t!” quipped culturally appropriating Maher.

“I did! I don’t know if that’s gallows humor or just like ‘it’s funny because it’s true’ humor,” said Silverman.

Can I suggest a third option? It wasn’t humor at all. This wasn’t “funny because it’s true” as there is no hint of truth behind it. Jews in the United States are not one step away from being genocided by the freely-elected President of this Constitutional Republic. Just because liberals can’t accept the results of the 2016 presidential election doesn’t mean we’ve descended into fascism and totalitarian rule. We might be there if Hillary had won, but for now everyone is free and safe.

Silverman’s joke gets further away from the truth because of the giant asterisk that comes with the rise in anti-Semitic hate crimes. Many of these incidents are innocuous or downright hoaxes. Of the legitimate hate crimes, a large number are committed by leftists and minorities, like the black Obama campaign staffer who was just arrested in NYC for vandalizing a Synagogue. Even the Pittsburgh Synagogue shooter was no fan of Donald Trump’s. This rise in anti-Semitism is not driven by the President or his followers.

Truth be told, Trump has been the most Jewish-friendly US President in history. He recognized Jerusalem as Israel’s capitol and even moved the US embassy there. His daughter Ivanka converted to Judaism and is married to an Orthodox Jew. You can call Trump a lot of things, but anti-Semite isn’t one of them.

Sarah Silverman isn’t “lucky” that Trump hasn’t yet rounded her up for extermination, but she is extremely fortunate that she has a career. She’s not funny, has a whiny gas-leak of a voice, and is a hate crime against the eyes. In a fair and just world, someone with talent and appeal would be getting a Hollywood Walk of Fame Star instead of her.