Michelle Obama Slams Trump As A Racist In New Book

Michelle Obama has a memoir coming out next week called Becoming and based on the title I thought for sure it was a confession of her transforming from an insufferable South Side Chicago boy into an intolerable First Lady. There may be some of that stuff in there, but one of the major points of this book is to attack President Trump as a racist. This is apparently her version of “going high.”

The AP got their hands on an advance copy of Michelle’s book and just check out this objective reporting:

The Associated Press purchased an early copy of Becoming, one of the most anticipated political books in recent memory. Obama is admired worldwide and has offered few extensive comments on her White House years.

Most anticipated? Admired worldwide? I hope this AP reporter didn’t mess his or her pants squeeing this hard over Michelle Obama.

Much of this book seems dedicated to going after Donald Trump:

Former first lady Michelle Obama blasts President Donald Trump in her new book, writing how she reacted in shock the night she learned he would replace her husband in the Oval Office and tried to “block it all out.”

She also denounces Trump’s “birther” campaign questioning her husband’s citizenship, calling it bigoted and dangerous, “deliberately meant to stir up the wingnuts and kooks.”

It’s weird that Michelle doesn’t think Hillary Clinton is racist considering she is the one who started the rumors of Barack’s questionable citizenship. In fact, the former FLOTUS used her book to defend Hillary:

She also accuses Trump of using body language to “stalk” Clinton during an election debate. She writes of Trump following Clinton around the stage, standing nearby and “trying to diminish her presence.”

Hillary does fine diminishing her own presence by being so completely full of shit and incompetent. She doesn’t need any help from Trump.

Not only is Trump a racist, according to Michelle, he’s also a sexist:

Obama writes that she assumed Trump was “grandstanding” when he announced his presidential run in 2015. She expresses disbelief over how so many women would choose a “misogynist” over Hillary Clinton, “an exceptionally qualified female candidate.” She remembers how her body “buzzed with fury” after seeing the infamous “Access Hollywood” tape, in which Trump brags about sexually assaulting women.

There is no Access Hollywood tape in which Trump brags about sexually assaulting women. In that tape he clearly states that because he is rich and famous, women let him do things to them, implying consent. Also, does “buzzed with fury” mean she got a boner?

Trump’s message, according to Obama, in words which appear in the book in darkened print: “I can hurt you and get away with it.”

That doesn’t have quite the ring as “Make America Great Again,” but maybe Trump can use it 2020. In related news, the Obamas’ message is “We can lie to you and get away with it.”

It’s not surprising at all the Michelle Obama would dedicate a significant portion of her book to slamming Trump. Outside of wasting taxpayer money on vacations and shopping trips, that’s all she knows. While that stuff is boring and predictable, there is this curious excerpt that actually manages to be mildly interesting:

In Becoming, Obama shares both pain and joy. She writes lovingly of her family and gives a detailed account of her courtship with her future husband, whom she met when both were at the Chicago law firm Sidley Austin LLP; she was initially his adviser. Secretaries claimed he was both brilliant and “cute,” although Michelle Obama was skeptical, writing that white people went “bonkers” any time you “put a suit” on a “half-intelligent black man.” She also thought his picture had a “whiff of geekiness.”

I’m not sure what to make of that “white people” line but it is clear that Michelle thinks Barack is kind of a dumbass, calling him a “half-intelligent black man.” Being half-intelligent is the same thing as being “not intelligent.” Hey, he was smart enough to fool the American people into voting for him twice, but that might be more deviousness than intelligence. Then again he did marry an annoying she-man who is built like an NBA power forward so Michelle’s probably right; he’s a dipshit.

This book is going to move a ton of copies because liberals love wasting their money on mindless Obama worship. No one will actually read it, so it’s lucky the AP was on hand to give us the abridged rundown. Can you imagine anything more boring than trying to read this thing? That actually sounds like a punishment that the Supreme Court would rule as “cruel and unusual.”