Hey Look: James Comey Used Private Email To Conduct Official Business Too

Former FBI director James Comey investigated Hillary Clinton’s illegal use of a private email server to conduct official US State Department business. After concluding that Hillary had indeed broken the law by sending and receiving classified material over an unsecured email server, Comey recommended against prosecution because in his estimation, she didn’t mean to break the law. There’s a lot of deep-state Obama stuff going on as to why Hillary wasn’t prosecuted, but one of the reasons Comey was derelict in his duty may be because he too used private unsecured email to conduct official US government business.

Because this story is embarrassing to the left it doesn’t come from the NYT or the WaPo, but rather The NY Post:

Fired FBI chief James Comey used his private Gmail account hundreds of times to conduct government business — and at least seven of those messages were deemed so sensitive by the Justice Department that they declined to release them.

The former top G-man repeatedly claimed he only used his private account for “incidental” purposes and never for anything that was classified…

But that’s obviously a lie. The NYP got their hands on some of Comey’s emails thanks to a Freedom of Information act lawsuit by The Cause of Action Institute. The Justice Department acknowledged over 1200 pages of Comey e-mails in which he was conducting FBI business, so his claim that he only used the account for “incidental” purposes is completely bullshit. The Justice Department released 156 emails in the FOIA request with more on the way.

Many of these emails were heavily redacted, but among other things he discussed was the Hillary Clinton e-mail investigation. In one e-mail exchange, Comey even noted the hypocrisy of him investigating Hillary’s use of private emails because he was doing the same thing, writing it was, “embarrassing for us.”

Making matters worse for Comey, the Justice Department refused to release 7 emails because…

Justice released 156 of them but refused to hand over seven emails because they would “disclose techniques and procedures for law enforcement investigations or prosecutions.” And another 363 pages of emails were withheld because they discussed privileged agency communications or out of personal privacy concerns.

This material may not be state secrets like nuclear launch codes, but it’s still stuff that isn’t for public eyes. This sure seems like Comey broke the law or at least violated FBI policy.

It certainly puts Comey’s recommendation against prosecuting Hillary into perspective however. This was kind of like having “rapey” Bill Clinton investigating “gropey” Al Franken. Do you think Bill thinks anything Al did was wrong?

Comey may end up getting investigated for this, plus he has some perjury issues to deal with, but the good news is, this latest embarrassment won’t affect his standing in the liberal community:

On the left, Comey started out as a villain because he was investigating Hillary. He then became a hero when he dropped the case despite admitting Hillary broke the law. He went back to being a bad guy when he reopened the investigation just prior to the 2016 presidential election, which liberals claim cost Hillary a victory. Finally Comey sort of got back on the liberals’ good graces when Trump fired him for gross incompetence, because they thought he would help topple the President over Russian collusion, but that never happened so now he’s back to being a bum.