Rep. Eric Swalwell Threatens To Nuke Gun Owners Who Don’t Surrender Their Weapons

The democrats won back control of the House in the midterms and it’s clear they have a whacko agenda when they assume power in January. They have promised to investigate the hell out of President Trump, raise taxes, and pass “commonsense” gun control. Thanks to Rep. Eric Swalwell, we now know what “commonsense” means. The California Congressman wants to ban “assault weapons” and confiscate all guns currently in private hands. Just in case there’s any dissension, Swalwell has threatened to literally nuke gun owners into compliance.

Back in May Swalwell wrote an op/ed for USA Today in which he detailed his plan to disarm the American people.

Ban assault weapons, buy them back, go after resisters

Reinstating the federal assault weapons ban that was in effect from 1994 to 2004 would prohibit manufacture and sales, but it would not affect weapons already possessed. This would leave millions of assault weapons in our communities for decades to come.

Instead, we should ban possession of military-style semiautomatic assault weapons, we should buy back such weapons from all who choose to abide by the law, and we should criminally prosecute any who choose to defy it by keeping their weapons.

Back then, Swalwell said he wanted to criminally prosecute resisters who refused to turn in their weapons, but that was before the democrats controlled the house. Now that he has a taste of power he has a more insane plan that involves nuclear weapons.

A patriotic gun owner tweeted Swalwell out of the blue and accused him of trying to start a war with the American people. This was Swalwell’s response:

Holy shit! This is an elected representative of the people threatening to nuke millions of law-abiding gun owners if they fail to comply with his unconstitutional plan to disarm them. I would hope that as long as the GOP still controls the House they bring him up and charges and throw this maniac in jail. Democrats are nuts and say a lot of horrible things, but this is the first time I can recall one of them threatening to kill millions of American citizens.

What makes this crazier is that Swalwell’s tweet actually reads like this: “If you oppose me, I will kill you. Now let’s find some common ground.” To be clear there is no conversation to be had with someone who threatens to nuke you out of existence.

I’m not terribly worried about Swalwell’s threat because it’s as empty as his head. A democratic House can pass all the laws they want and the GOP-controlled Senate will simply wipe their butts with them. The only thing the dems are going to with control of the House is obstruct any attempts to keep this great economy going and waste lots of money investigating Trump for no particular reason.

Even if for some reason Swalwell and the democrats could take control of the entire US government and get rid of the 2nd Amendment, I still don’t worry that I’m going to be nuked. There’s no way I’m ever surrounding my weapons, but so far the military hasn’t developed a way to hit my house with a nuclear weapon without vaporizing all of my liberal anti-gun neighbors. Luckily in California I have plenty of liberal human shields to keep me safe from nuclear annihilation.