PROPAGANDA: MSNBC Blames Trump For Death Of 8-Year-Old Migrant Child

In their latest irresponsible narrative that will do much to fan the flames of mass hysteria, Democrats and their media mouthpieces are exploiting the tragic deaths of a migrant child in order to paint President Trump as being responsible.

Like a flock of vultures, the Trump haters were quick to pounce on the story of 8-year-old Felipe Alonzo-Gomez who sadly perished after being in Border Patrol custody after being dragged by his irresponsible parents from his Guatemalan home as so many other children have been.

In their typical ghoulish fashion, the talking heads at DNC propaganda arm MSNBC were quick to jump on the death as a bludgeon against the hated Trump as well as to use him as a martyr for their cause of unfettered immigration and open borders.

MSNBC’s Jacob Soboroff blamed the child’s “preventable and predictable” demise on Trump’s policies:

“Nobody, children or otherwise, are supposed to be held in border patrol processing stations that are well known to be unsanitary, dangerous environments for people to stay in for longer than 72 hours..” and  “The idea this boy spent nearly a week jumping between multiple border patrol processing stations and ultimately he became sick is actually not surprising at all,”


From atop his soapbox, Soboroff declared:

“Nobody, children or otherwise, are supposed to be held in border patrol processing stations that are well known to be unsanitary, dangerous environments for people to stay in for longer than 72 hours. The idea this boy spent nearly a week jumping between multiple border patrol processing stations and ultimately he became sick is actually not surprising at all. It should have us talking why he was there for so long. And the answer is Trump administration policies put this young boy, Felipe Alonzo-Gomez, in the situation where he and his father decided to cross in between ports of entry, present themselves to seek asylum, and we well know that it’s very difficult for people to seek asylum now in the legal way that historically people have used.”

According to Wikipedia, “In college, Soboroff was an aide to New York City Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg.” That would be the same Michael Bloomberg who has been a ferocious critic of the president and has pumped boatloads of money into anti-Second Amendment astroturf efforts as well as other front groups that have the goal of returning the White House to Democrats in 2020.

But hey, it is MSNBC and one should never expect a disclaimer that would indicate that its hosts and reporters are biased to the extreme and are little more than Democratic party activists who masquerade as journalists.

But along with the bogus sanctimony from the left also comes a generous helping of hypocrisy because there was ZERO media outrage over the 18 migrants who died in custody during the Obama regime which once again proves that the greatest lies from the anti-Trump media are the lies of omission.

As points out:

In July 2016, Human Rights Watch condemned the Obama administration for 18 migrants who died while in the custody of USCBP, claiming that seven or more of the 18 died as the result of the agency’s “substandard” and “inappropriate” care for migrants at detention centers. The detainees who died then were between 24 and 49 years old.

The left’s distortion of the truth is only the latest example of how ginned up firestorms over migrants that are designed to push the buttons of the emotion-driven Resistance by blaming Trump for deaths and “inhumane” treatment deliberately omit that the same incidents were commonplace during the time that Saint Barack Of Obamastan sat upon his White House throne.

There was the uproar over how tear gas was used to repel dozens of migrants who stormed the border last month but you didn’t see it on either MSNBC or CNN that the use of tear gas on on migrants on a monthly basis.

There was also the coordinated propaganda campaign to assail Trump over children being kept in cages at detention facilities but incredibly, the pictures that were used to promote that sham were from 2014 back when Trump was still a private citizen and he who should remain unnamed was the president.

The ugly truth?

None of the bleeding heart types like Jacob Soboroff and his fellow travelers could care less about Felipe Alonzo-Gomez, the dead child is just another tool to promote their 24/7 hate Trump narrative.