CNN Says Trump’s Use Of Term “Witch Hunt” Is Hurtful To Real Witches

Pretty much the only level that the “reporters” at CNN haven’t stooped to is an open defense of satanism – until now.

With Democrats ready to take control of the House and get about the business of impeaching President Trump, CNN continues to carry water for special counsel Robert Mueller.

It is being anticipated that Mueller is just about ready to dump his voluminous report of taxpayer-funded opposition research right in Nancy Pelosi’s lap and the drooling Trump haters at the self-proclaimed “most trusted name in news” are busily putting out the propaganda to provide cover to the deep state dirty cop.

One very important detail has to be concealed and that is that Mueller’s sweeping fishing expedition that began with Russian collusion, took a detour into nasty panties of porn queen Stormy Daniels and has even stooped to using “nude selfies” as evidence cannot be described as a “witch hunt” which is the term that is preferred by the target and has been a regular feature of his weaponized Twitter feed.

So what is CNN brewing in their evil cauldrons now?

How about a segment where they trotted out women who are allegedly real witches to claim that Trump’s use of the term is derogatory and offensive.


It’s a recurrent theme in the leftist media including the Daily Beast which recently published the article “Witches to Trump: Stop Calling the Mueller Investigation a ‘Witch Hunt’”:

It may, on the surface, seem like a harmless way to trivialize special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation into Russia’s interference in the 2016 presidential campaign.

But to the actual community of witches, President Donald Trump’s constant invocation of a “witch hunt” is deeply problematic and, frankly, a bit hurtful.

“Many are mad, and the rest are rolling their eyes,” said David Salisbury, a lead organizer at Washington-based witch community Firefly House.

Witches view the use of the phrase as more than just a pejorative rhetorical device. They place it, rather, in the larger context of the president demonizing and marginalizing minority groups. According to witches who spoke to The Daily Beast, most contemporary witches are feminists and support other marginalized groups. Salisbury called Trump’s witch hunt tweets “disgraceful,” especially because of Trump’s attacks on immigrants and women.

“It is particularly horrifying because many modern practitioners of witchcraft devote their lives to seeking compassion and justice,” Salisbury said.

The White House did not respond to a request for comment.

You just can’t make stuff like this up.