Chelsea Manning Wants To Eliminate The Office Of The President (Who Wants To Tell Her?)

Back when she was a he, Chelsea Manning was an intelligence analyst with the United States Army, which in retrospect was a huge mistake. She is not only profoundly stupid, but she also committed espionage by turning over hundreds of thousands of classified documents to Wikileaks. Proving that intelligence is definitely not her thing, Chelsea is calling to eliminate the office of the presidency. Who wants to tell her that without a president commenting her sentence, she’d still be in jail for betraying her country?

Please note that I’m taking great care to not misgender or “dead name” Chelsea Manning, because those are things that will get a person banned from the Internet. You can be anti-Semitic, issue death threats to Republicans, but if you dare point out that people born with ding-dongs are dudes, you’re dunzo.

In any case this beautiful and courageous young woman sent out this insane AF tweet yesterday to kick the year off on a stupid note:

What if we didn’t?

Chelsea Manning, more than any other person, should love the fact that this country has a president. She was convicted of 22 crimes ranging from espionage to “aiding the enemy” which is a capital offense. She literally could have been executed as a traitor. Instead, she was sentenced to 35 years in prison, which means she wouldn’t have gotten out until 2048.

Luckily for Manning the office of the presidency hadn’t been abolished. In 2017 then-president Barack Obama commuted her sentence, cutting it by 31 years. Manning walked out of jail after serving only 4 years for a crime she should have been hung for. From her perspective, the office of the president should be pretty f*cking awesome, but for some reason she wants it gone. I bet it’s a Trump thing.

Manning’s plan to get rid of the presidency in America has even bigger problems than her own lack of self-awareness. Without a president our system of checks and balances would be gone and our country would crumble. Then again, considering her hatred for this country, maybe that’s her plan.

Without a president there would be no one to enforce the laws passed by Congress or anyone to appoint judges to rule on the Constitutionality of those laws. Who would be able to enforce anti-transgender legislation or rule that men pretending to be women really are women? Again, these are things that directly affect Manning.

Obviously Manning got dragged on Twitter for this insanely stupid idea and this may be the single most hilarious response:

I feel bad for WheelmanForHire, because this tweet will most certainly get him banned for life from the social media platform. If calling Chelsea by her birth name Bradley gets people kicked off of Twitter, this tweet will get this guy nuked off of it.

To counter Manning’s dumb-as-shit proposal, I have a better idea. What if instead of wasting time and money to destroy our country, we worked to establish a society that respects the science of biology and gender rather than treating gender-bending freaks and traitors like they are courageous and import people?