Rep. Eric ‘Duke Nukem’ Swalwell Invents New Right He Claims Beats The 2nd Amendment

It wasn’t that long ago that California Rep. Eric Swalwell was threatening to nuke law-abiding Americans who resisted his efforts to disarm them. Today he announced the first part of that plan by gloating that the new democratic Congress is getting ready to drop some major gun control legislation. Just in case anyone thinks it may be a tad bit unconstitutional, he assured that the right to safety supersedes all other rights including the 2nd Amendment.

Here’s a disturbing tweet from Rep. Duke Nukem:

What does he mean, he might be crazy? He has literally said he would nuke American citizens if they resisted his effort to deny them their Constitutional rights. And speaking of the Constitution, which Amendment guarantees the right to safety? He says that the safety right beats all other rights, but for the life of me I can’t find it in the Constitution. His position is that a nonexistent right is more important than actual rights and allows him and the democrats to tear up the Constitution. That’s pretty f*cking crazy too.

Even if there were such a right to safety, that’s not how the Constitution works. The government can use one Constitutionally guaranteed right to take another right away from the people. In fact, the Bill of Rights is a list of things that the government can’t mess with in any way.

For the first two years of Barack Obama’s presidency, the democrats controlled both chambers of Congress and the White. Does Swalwell remember how many “gun safety” laws they passed? The number is exactly zero. They ruined healthcare, but they sure as shit didn’t think gun control was all that important. It’s weird how they only became concerned with it after they had no ability to act on it, isn’t it?

Well, those young black men losing their lives are being killed by other young black men with illegally obtained firearms. What sort of law could stop criminals from continuing to commit criminal acts? Also, those young black lives don’t matter to the young black people taking them and they only matter to white liberals like Swalwell because he can exploit them to push his unconstitutional agenda.

Plus, is this guy a Constitutional scholar or what? First he made up the right of “safety” and now he’s claiming fear-free education and church with out metal detectors are also rights. He took an oath to defend the Constitution, which he clearly doesn’t take seriously, but maybe he ought to go read that thing to see what’s actually in it. It may change his perspective on things. Then again, his first option to disarm America is with nuclear strikes, so he probably wouldn’t be moved by Bill of Rights.

Maybe the most disturbing thing about this mini-tweet storm is that Swalwell says the days of us having 2nd Amendment gun ownership rights are over. Actually, it’s also the funniest thing about this because while the democrats may control the House, Republicans are in charge in the Senate and the White House. These clowns can pass all the busllhit bills they want; they’ll never get singed into law or even make it to the President’s desk.