Deer Kills Hunter, Proving How Full Of Crap Liberals Are About The 2nd Amendment

British newspaper magnate Alfred Harmsworth once said, “When a dog bites a man, that is not news, because it happens so often. But if a man bites a dog, that is news.” In other news a deer killed a hunter, which is actually a sad story and we’re not here to beat the guy up over it. What this story really shows is how truly and epically full of crap liberals are with their understanding of the original intent of the 2nd Amendment. Intrigued? Read on.

First, this is from Fox News:

A hunter in Arkansas died after a deer he shot turned the tables — and reportedly attacked him.

Thomas Alexander, 66, is believed to have been killed as he was hunting in Yellville, an area roughly 102 miles east of Fayetteville, on Tuesday at about 6:30 p.m., officials said.

Alexander shot the buck using a muzzleloader, Keith Stephens, a spokesperson for the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission, told Fox News.

“He apparently went over to the buck and it got up and attacked him,” said Stephens.

The 66-year-old was able to call his wife, and he was transported to the hospital after 8 p.m. He was going to be air-lifted to the hospital, but Alexander stopped breathing on the way to the helicopter, so he was driven there in an ambulance.

Alexander was pronounced dead at Baxter Regional Medical Center in Mountain Home, Stephens said. It wasn’t clear whether Alexander died from the deer attack, or due to other medical problems, like a heart attack, but hospital officials said he did have puncture wounds when he was admitted.

I’m sure some of our more gun-savvy readers have figured out where I’m going with this. There are a couple of liberal false narratives at play here designed to deny the 2nd Amendment protection of gun ownership rights and to disarm the American public.

A common thing for gun-hating liberals to say is that our Founding Fathers could have never imagined modern firearms so they aren’t protected by the 2nd Amendment. They argue stupidly that when the 2A was written only black-powder single-shot muzzle-loaded guns existed so therefor people are only allowed to keep and bear muskets.

Interestingly enough, our Founding Fathers couldn’t possibly have imagined TV, the Interwebz, or smart phones but liberals don’t think those “weapons of mass expression” should be banned under the 1st Amendment’s original intent.

The other thing liberals try to push is that “nobody needs an AR-15 to hunt” so the 2nd Amendment doesn’t protect semi-automatic rifles. There is absolutely nothing in the 2nd Amendment about hunting, but liberals are not all that concerned about facts when trying to exert their control over people.

In a tragic turn of events, Thomas Alexander blew both of these liberal arguments away. Obviously some people need more than a musket to hunt and if a muzzle-loader is no good for hunting deer, it definitely isn’t acceptable for opposing government tyranny, which is the actual purpose of the 2nd Amendment.

He also proved that after dropping a deer you should wait until it bleeds out and dies before you go poking at it but, again, we’re not here to tear this guy down. He gave his life to make a valuable point about our rights.

The Framers of the Constitution just got done winning their Independence from the oppressive King of England and wanted to make sure his style of tyranny would never be a problem in this new nation. They gave us the right to say what we want to say and to kick the crap out of the central government if they ever overstep their limited role.

The correct interpretation of the 2nd Amendment and our Founding Father’s original intent was that the people would have the exact same weaponry as the United States government. Rather than limiting us to single-shot muskets, as liberals falsely claim, this right says we should be cruising around in M1 Abrams tanks.

The only way anyone can legitimately claim that “the right of the people to keep and bear arms” has anything to do with hunting is that our Founding Fathers wanted us to be able to hunt government tyranny and they wanted us to have appropriate weaponry to achieve that.