Liberals Accuse NRA Of ‘Hate Speech’ For Opposing Gun Control

The National Rifle Association is the nation’s oldest civil rights organization and they fight to preserve gun ownership every day. Democrats hate guns, but can’t get rid of them because that pesky 2nd Amendment won’t allow them so they engage in a smear campaign to demonize the NRA, gun owners, and the US Constitution. Part of that effort reared its ugly head this week when liberals accused the NRA of inciting violence and hate crimes because they oppose yet another unconstitutional gun control bill from the democrats.

The American Rifleman, the NRA’s magazine, published an article about a bill that democrats introduced in the House that would expand the already ineffective background check system for firearms purchases. The article is titled “Target Practice” and is clearly about democrats targeting legal gun owners. In fact the subheading reads: “Congressional Democrats Target Gun Owners For Persecution With Extreme Firearms Transfer Bans.”

Again, the article is titled “Target Practice” and included is a picture of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and anti-gun bullet-sponge Gabby Giffords. Liberals didn’t bother to read past the headline and claim that the NRA is calling for gun owners to shoot Pelosi and Goffords, which is as dumb as it sounds.

Here’s what some dingbat from The Huffington Post thought:

Maybe don’t do what? Oppose gun control? Maybe the HuffPo shouldn’t advocate for the suppression and elimination of Constitutionally protected civil rights.

Then there was Nancy Pelosi’s insufferable daughter:

Hate speech? In what bit of twisted liberal logic is defending a Constitutional right a hate crime? Is unconstitutionality now a protected class? Are Pelosi and Giffords afforded hate crime protection because they are against a basic human right? This dumb, even for a Pelosi.

Finally, Eric “Duke Nukem” Swalwell weighed in:

Swalwell literally threatened to use nuclear weapons on American citizens who refuse his proposal to disarm them. That’s a “call for violence” not the NRA fighting for our rights. He threatened to murder millions of Americans in pursuit of his unconstitutional agenda and it’s he who should face “legal consequences.”

Making Swalwell’s hyperventilating even stupider is that he thinks he can put the NRA out of business with “boycotts and ballot boxes.” Swalwell is not a member of the NRA and does not contribute to the organization in any way. Neither are any of the people he is calling to join him. When people who don’t add to the finances of an organization decide to boycott, it has zero effect on that organization’s bottom line.

Obviously none of these hysterical liberals bothered to read the article past the headline, or if they did, are trying to manufacture outrage through lies. Nowhere does the NRA even insinuate that people should shoot Pelosi or Giffords. This is not a call for violence, hate speech, or a hate crime. The only hatred is from liberals who despise the 2nd Amendment right of gun ownership.

And have you noticed how every single thing liberals say about guns is a lie? I have. The entire gun control debate is framed by the left completely in bullshit. They misrepresent facts, make up statistics, and straight-up lie about easily fact-checked things like they did with this article.