Democrats Drop Another Gun Control Bill And The Media Finally Doesn’t Care

If a democrat craps on the Constitution in the woods and no one is around, does it make a sound? Democrats introduced yet another gun control bill and for reasons I don’t understand, not one single media outlet covered it. Could it be that the liberal news has finally had enough of this? It’s kind of a slow news day and yet I can’t find one lefty new source that cares about this latest attempt to rob us of our Constitution rights.

Fresh off introducing a bill to kill the 1st Amendment, Connecticut Senator Richard Blumenthal took aim at the 2nd Amendment with this utterly ignored announcement:

After seeing this tweet I did a fairly extensive search and couldn’t turn up one liberal media outlet that even mentioned this. There’s some stuff about Trump making fun of Blumenthal and stories about how the Senator wants Boing 737s grounded, but nothing on his gun control push. It’s a shame, because I was interested to see what the actual language of this bill is.

I guess it doesn’t matter because Blumenthal is pretty clear that this bill would require a background check to purchase ammo, which is a horrendous assault on our rights. How is the ability of person to go into a store and buy ammunition a “loophole” that needs to be closed? Seriously, everything these anti-gun morons freak out over is characterized as some kind of sneaky thing gun owners are exploiting. Next they’ll describe legally purchasing a firearm with a background check as a loophole that needs to be closed.

As you can see, this pice of shit was cosponsored by Senator Chris Murphy, Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz, and Fred Guttenberg. Wait a second, we need to back up. Fred Guttenberg? He’s not a lawmaker, he’s the anti-gun activist father of a girl who was killed in the Parkland, Florida school shooting. He’s not elected. How does he get to introduce legislation? Maybe democrats are extending Congressional powers and authority to people if they hate the US Constitution enough.

This bill is named after Gutenberg’s daughter Jamie who was killed last year in the Parkland shooting. Here’s what makes this extra-super-hyper-stupid or average for something coming from a democrat: if this law were in effect in 2018 it would not have saved Jamie’s life. The Parkland shooter passed a back ground check and legally purchased the firearm he used. If he could pass a background check for a gun it stands to reason that he would have passed one for the ammo as well.

This do-nothing law (well nothing good anyways) would not have stopped the Parkland school shooting, but does put an unnecessary burden on legal gun ownership. Background checks ain’t free, so people would have to shell out extra money every time they purchase ammo. And if there is a background check on ammo there is a registry of ammo purchases, which means the feds could be raiding the homes of legal gun owners who buy more ammo than the democrats think is necessary.

This bill is unconstitutional and has liberal star power, so where’s the gushing liberal media coverage about how courageous Blumenthal is for taking on those terrorists in the NRA? I have a theory on that: Since the democrats took control of the House they have been introducing and even passing a never-ending series of gun control bills that have no chance of becoming law with a Republican Senate and White House. Maybe the liberal media has “bullshit bill fatigue” and doesn’t feel like wasting its time any more. Either that or President Trump tweeted something true and they had to get all their people on it to express the proper outrage.