Democrats Join Kim Kardashian In Call For AR-15 Ban

The Christchurch, New Zealand shooting has liberals going crazier than usual blaming the actions of deranged man in another country on President Trump, the NRA, and white Americans. Another thing this shooting has done is get the left hyped up again to take away our Constitutional right to keep and bear arms. Sen. Chris Murphy, doofus Beto O’Rourke, and empty can Kim Kardashian are all calling for AR-15s to be banned in what I can only assume is a contest to see who can say the dumbest thing. I think it’s a 3-way tie, but you be the judge.

First up is Kimmy’s uninformed take:

Kardashian wants to know why American politicians can’t just ban an entire class of weapons? That’s an easy one: because of the 2nd Amendment which states very clearly that “the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.” Maybe it’s because she doesn’t understand that semi-automatic weapons are “arms,” that bearing arms means owning and possessing, and that banning guns is infringing on the right to bear arms. Words are hard.

Kim Kardashian shouldn’t feel too bad. Chris Murphy is a US Senator and even he doesn’t get how that whole 2nd Amendment thing works:

When Murphy took his oath to defend and uphold the Constitution, he must have forgotten to actually read it to understand what his responsibilities are. The 2nd Amendment makes absolutely no mention of hunting or specific needs to qualify gun ownership. It certainly doesn’t come with an asterisk giving the government the power to decide who can own a gun and what type of they may have.

Even in that, Murphy’s tweet is complete and utter bullshit. Hog hunters and ranchers taking care of pesky varmints definitely need semi-automatic rifles with normal capacity magazines. People defending their homes against multiple armed intruders definitely need a semi-automatic weapon with a magazine capacity larger than 10 rounds.

On the flip-side of that, mass shooters don’t need AR-15s to kill large numbers of people. Most mass shooters use handguns and/or shotguns to carry out their massacres. Also, I’m not a killer but if the government banned and confiscated my AR-15, I would miss it dearly. That is if I was still alive after fighting off the government shock troops trying to take my firearms away.

Lastly, furry hacker Robert Francis “Beto the Psychedelic Warlord” O’Rourke chimed in with his own take on taking our guns.

With ObamCare the former occupier of the White House lied when he said, “If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor.” With O’BetoCare O’Rourke says if we like our ARs we can keep our ARs. What are the chances his gun control proposal is any more honest than the Affordable Care Act? I’m going to guess those chances are somewhere around 0% because all democrats are lying sacks of crap, especially when it comes to taking our money and freedom away.

Just so we understand the magnitude of what is going on here: something happened in a different country and the liberal knee-jerk reaction is that Americans should lose their Constitutional rights. If democrats are itching to ban something here based on what’s going on in a foreign land, look no further than Venezuela. People there have to stand in line for days to buy shitty food and pay for it with a garbage bags full of garbage money. Why not ban socialism in the US?