Trump Ridicules Beltway Biden; More Flies At Events Than People

In a preview of just how badly that he is going to unload on Sleepy Joe, President Trump mocked the presumptive Democrat nominee with a tweet that underscored Biden’s problem of being able to appeal to Americans.

While the former Vice President has all but won the nomination – according to the media anyway– he is not exactly playing to standing room only crowds on the campaign trail which should jog memories that Hillary Clinton also faced an enthusiasm gap during her doomed presidential run.

Never one to shy away from sticking the needle into his political foes, Trump took a break from activities during his overseas visit to mock Biden for drawing more flies to his events than people.

According to the president:

His other problem is that he is drawing flies, not people, to his Rallies. Nobody is showing up, I mean nobody. You can’t win without people!

Even normally reliable media allies have pointed out the inability of the establishment’s choice to stop Trump to put fannies in seats wherever Biden shows up to wind his horn unlike Comrade Bernie who often preaches his socialist snake oil to standing room only crowds.

Via Politico, “Joe Biden is the front-runner by every measure — except big crowds”:

He’s dominating in the polls, his fundraising is going gangbusters and he’s showing broad support from key political players in the early presidential states.

So where are the big energetic crowds, the lines around the block to get into Joe Biden’s events?

The question is no small matter in a party still recovering from a bitter 2016 defeat — a loss marked by a lack of enthusiasm for an establishment nominee in several critical states.

Attendance at the former vice president’s launch rally paled next to some of his rivals. In his first Iowa visit, he didn’t match the crowds that greeted Elizabeth Warren or even the less well-known Pete Buttigieg in their initial visits. So far, he’s kept his events to smaller venues where there’s little danger of empty seats.

In the eyes of Biden’s progressive critics — as well as President Donald Trump, who has publicly mocked him for it — the seeming lack of excitement or teeming masses at his events is a leading indicator of a lack of passion for his candidacy.

“I started to think the polls were wrong about Biden because it’s not what we’re seeing on the ground,” said Aimee Allison, founder and president of She the People, a national network devoted to promoting women of color.

The small crowds aren’t the only problem that Biden has either.

As the POTUS pointed out, he is also dealing with a blossoming plagiarism scandal when in the rush to put out his own campaign’s version of the socialist Green New Deal, Biden cribbed some lines from another source without proper attribution.

It is particularly damaging because he faced a similar controversy during his 1988 presidential bid and indicates a certain sloppiness on the campaign’s part or as a former aide described it back in April, “half-assed” and it has some spooked including CNN which described it as “lazy” and “arrogant” and

Could a new nickname be in order? Sloppy Joe?

If Biden is already losing CNN then he is in for major problems that could ignite a full-blown civil war in the Democratic party if the socialists catch the scent of blood in the water.