Eric Swalwell Wants To ‘Fire The Sh*t’ Out Of Ivanka Trump

In a rare non-gun control story about zero-percenter Eric Swalwell, he still manages to come off as brain-dead idiot. I’m guessing it’s because he is. The latest from the guy who will never be president is that when he is president he’s going to “fire the shit” out Donald Trump’s daughter and her husband Jared Kushner. Also making this bizarre statement a rarity for for Swalwell he didn’t threaten to nuke the First Daughter.

Swalwell is bad at everything, including running for president. Here’s what the California democrat thought was a solid fundraising idea:

The thing I find most hilarious about this is that Swalwell thinks there’s a slight chance that Ivanka and Jared will still be around in 2021, but that there’s a 100% chance he will be president then. I did mention that he’s polling at 0%, right? The odds of probability say that the only way Swalwell is getting int the White House is if he scales the fence and runs faster than the Secret Service.

Oddly enough, he’s kind of right that Ivanka and Jared will still be around, but he’s underestimating the chances. Since the democrats are all crazy leftist kooks it’s an almost guarantee that President Trump will reelection in 2020. That of course means that his daughter and son-in-law will also get another 4 years in the White House.

Another crazy thing about this tweet is that Swalwell is so dense that he thinks presidential aides and advisors roll over from one administration to the next. When Trump leaves office in 2025, he’s taking his people with him. Niki Haley will get her own set of aides and advisors when she becomes the first women president in 2024.

Swalwell is so dumb even his reference about the “land of the misfit toys” is wrong. First of all it’s the “Island of the Misfit Toys” not the “land” and secondly, that is place for broken f*cked toys. Ivanka and Jared are rich, powerful, and attractive, which is hardly broken. Eric Swalwell is the dim bulb on the tree. He’s a semi-functioning moron who thinks he has a shot at the White House and there isn’t a more broken f*cked up candidate in the race. If anyone needs to banished to the Island of the Misfit Toys it’s him.

Eric Swalwell says if you give him just a dollar he will fire the shit out of Ivanka and Jared. Many people on Twitter wanted to know how much they have to give him to make him go away, but I disagree with that. I want him to hang in the race as long as possible because he is by the funniest democrat in the bunch. It should be Joe Biden but his campaign is smartly limiting his public exposure. Until we get to the general election, Swalwell is the most entertaining democrat and Def-Con News is counting on him for content and laughs.