Worst Liberal Attacks On 4th Of July Including Renaming It ‘Rihanna’s Side Boob Day’

Heading int the 4th of July celebration, Nike, Colin Kaepernick, and most of the liberal media waged a campaign to have the American flag classified as a racist symbol of hate and slavery. Obviously the left hates America so much that they needed to crap on our country way more than that so we also got some attacks on the racism of the National Anthem and the Declaration of Independence. One sad liberal publication even wants to rename the 4th of July “Rihanna’s Side Boob Day.” Could it be that liberals just don’t know that they are free to leave?

First there is Teen Vogue who wants us to know, “Racism and patriotism go hand in hand.” More specifically they tell us that all of our patriotic songs are really melodic hate crimes:

Then there’s the American anthem, “The Star-Spangled Banner.” It was written by a slave-owning Washington lawyer, Francis Scott Key, who referred to African-Americans as “a distinct and inferior race of people, which all experience proves to be the greatest evil that afflicts a community.” In the national anthem’s lesser known third stanza, he wrote: “No refuge could save the hireling and slave / From the terror of flight, or the gloom of the grave.”

There’s also the phrase “the land of the free”: Key wrote the poem that would eventually become the national anthem in 1814, during a time when black Americans were not free; slavery ended in 1865, making it even clearer that this anthem was written to celebrate the land of the free — white Americans.

Patriotism is defined as “love for or devotion to one’s country.” As black people, we’re expected to shut up and sing these songs that, for so long, declared and celebrated freedom that specifically excluded us; freedom that, in 2019, still doesn’t feel applicable to us.

No, you don’t have to sing the song, but the “shut up” part would be nice.

Next, Salon told Teen Vogue “hold my beer” with this hot take that the Declaration of Independence is racist:

…the Declaration of Independence was also a product of its time — and bears some of the shortcomings of its era, including sexism, racism and prejudice against Native Americans.

1. It did not condemn slavery.

2. It did not protect the rights of women.

3. To the disadvantage of Native Americans, Jefferson replaced the phrase “property” with happiness when saying that human beings’ basic rights include “Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.”

So pursuing happiness is synonymous with disadvantaging Native Americans? Who knew?

Finally Jezebel thinks America sucks so bad that the day we celebrate her birthday on needs to be renamed:

If you haven’t been paying attention, America is pretty fucked. And most of us have long been radicalized out of our previous understanding of the country we live in as an oasis of simple, wholesome pleasures.

But in an age when children are locked in cages at our border, trans women are murdered at excessively high rates, abortion rights are threatened nationwide, sexual predators hold many of our nation’s most powerful offices…and laborers have had our rights and wages stolen from us—is there anything left to celebrate?

But if you stand in opposition to our country’s actions and believe we occupy stolen land—what are we really celebrating? Why waste a beautiful holiday on the rotting carcass of self-described superpower when we could be doing anything else.

And here’s some of the ideas Jezebel came up with to rename Independence Day:

Unionize Your Workplace Day

Reparations Are An Essential Political Agenda For Any Democratic Candidate Hoping To Be Elected Day

Abolish ICE Day

Rihanna’s Side Boob Day

Besides being stupid and disrespectful, all 4 of those holidays already exist:

Organized labor day is celebrated on May 1st AKA May Day

Reparations Day is on MLK’s b-day, all of black history month, and on Juneteenth.

Lefties celebrate Abolish ICE Day on the holiday formerly known as Columbus Day.

Rihanna’s Side Boob Day is the Grammys, the AMAs, the BETs and every other lame music awards show.

I honestly don’t understand how these leftists can live in the country that they hate so much. Canada has a standing offer to any American who can no longer tolerate the freedom and opportunity we have. Liberals can move to the Great White North and get “free” shitty health care for half their pay check, drink milk out of a bag, and enjoy ketchup flavored potato chips. We won’t miss them.