Democrats Eat Their Own: Pelosi vs. AOC Round 12

Nancy Pelosi is drunk with power and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez just seems like she’s drunk. Both women are trying desperately to be the face of the Democratic Party and define its level of leftist insanity, but Pelosi is the actual Speaker of the House so she has little tolerance for AOC’s power-grab. A hilarious spat broke out between the two (again) with Pelosi dismissing AOC’s influence and AOC hitting back that Pelosi is literally killing people. It’s always fun to see democrats try to destroy each other and this might be a preview of the upcoming democratic primaries.

This starts out with a Pelosi interview with The New York Times. Pelosi was asked about the growing influence within the part of irritating Reps Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Rashida Tlaib, Ilhan Omar, and Ayanna Pressley.

“All these people have their public whatever and their Twitter world, but they didn’t have any following. They’re four people and that’s how many votes they got,” replied Pelosi.

After being dismissed as insignificant by Pelosi, AOC flipped the f*ck out on Twitter:

Do her job? She ran off thousands of good jobs from Amazon and introduced the Green New deal, which would turn this country into a socialist hellhole and ban cow farts. On top of that, she’s been screaming for a pay raise. It’s unclear what AOC thinks is the job of a member of Congress but it’s crystal clear that she ain’t doing it.

AOC also struck at Pelosi for allowing a vote on an aid package to help out with the border crisis, something that passed without the upstart democrats.

As you can see, AOC is accusing Pelosi of bargaining away people’s lives, which is the same thing as accusing her of killing folks.

Rashida Tlaib, another Rep. slammed by Pelosi, went even further with her retaliation in an interview on ABC. When asked about Pelosi’s slight against her and the fearsome foursome, Tlaib went off:

“In a column in the New York Times this morning, the Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi said that you and the three other progressives made yourself irrelevant to the process by voting against the bill,” said host Martha Raddatz.

“You know people like us, people like me and Ayanna, Ilhan and Alexandria, we’re reflective of our nation in many ways. But many of us didn’t run to be first of anything, but more people like us have been missing in the halls of Congress. More people like us, people of color have been missing in the chamber because most of us – and Ayanna Pressley says it more beautifully, people that are closest to the pain needs to be at the table making these decisions,” Tlaib said.

Already its pretty good because basically Tlaib is saying that Pelosi is a honky mofo who doesn’t know shit about shit. Somehow, it got nastier.

“Guess what, we know what it feels like to be dehumanized. We know what it feels like to be brown and black in this country and I’ll tell you right now, we’re not going to stand by and sit idly by and allow brown and dark-skinned children to be ripped away from their parents to be dehumanized,” said Tlaib.

Even better, Tlaib says that Nancy Pelosi doesn’t care about black and dark-skinned kids.


“Uplift the women, especially the women of color, within your caucus that are out there because I’ll tell you more people like us, more people like me that come out to vote, we win, all of us win,” said Tlaib. “It is very disappointing that the Speaker would ever try to diminish our voices in so many ways.”

The bottom line here is that Tlaib is accusing Pelosi of being racist against her, AOC, Ilhan Omar, and that other chick that nobody knows who she is.

Pelosi is going to crush these crazy broads like grapes.

Bitter infighting among the democrats is always good for a laugh but this is nothing compared to what’s about to come between the 20+ democrats running for president in 2020. As we get closer to the primaries, we will be endlessly entertained by democrats devouring each other. Meanwhile, Trump will sit back and laugh with the rest of us.