Pocahontas Receives Unexpected Scalping At Hands Of SecDef Nominee

There are few Democrats who are more reliant on grandstanding than Senator Elizabeth Warren whose self-righteous pomposity during Senate hearings is all staged for the cameras.

But on Tuesday, the unhinged demagogue whose dangerous socialist ideas include taking away private health insurance from hard-working Americans along with stealing their money to pay reparations met her match.

During her contrived questioning of Secretary Of Defense nominee Mark Esper who is a decorated military veteran who served his country in a way that Pocahontas never could, the target turned the tables much to the chagrin of the Massachusetts Democrat.

Warren who somehow has gotten a seat on the Armed Services Committee tried to ambush Esper with one of her trademark attacks on capitalism but it didn’t go as planned.


Via The Washington Free Beacon, “Warren Clashes With Esper Over Raytheon Work”:

Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D., Mass.) aggressively questioned Secretary of Defense nominee Mark Esper Tuesday over the ethical implications of his prior lobbying for Raytheon, the defense giant with ties to Warren.

Warren, a leading 2020 presidential candidate, lit into Esper during a Senate Armed Services Committee hearing over his prior Raytheon work and concluded he shouldn’t be confirmed.

“Will you commit not to work for or get paid by any defense contractor for at least four years after your government service?” Warren asked.

“No, senator, I will not,” Esper said.

Warren accused Esper of acting in his own financial interests rather than those of the U.S., leading Esper to deliver a forceful response.

“I went to war for this country; I served overseas for this country,” he said. “I’ve stepped down from jobs that paid me well more than what I was [making] anywhere else, and each time, it was to serve the public good and to serve the young men and women of our armed services. I think the presumption is, for some reason, anybody who comes from the business or corporate world is corrupt.”

Warren said Esper wasn’t willing to avoid conflicts of interest, grumbling, “this is outrageous,” as her questioning session concluded.

Man, talk about being owned.

Many in the media and the Dem establishment have been promoting Warren as a compromise candidate for openly communist Bernie Sanders but by doing so they have failed to recognize her biggest weakness which is her thin skin.

If Warren does manage to survive the steel cage death match of the Democrat primaries to emerge as the ultimate combatant against President Trump, she is going to implode on the debate stage in front of a national television audience.

Few are better at brandishing the needle than Trump who has already triggered Warren on multiple occasions and is probably salivating over going toe-to-toe with her if Democrats are foolish enough to nominate her.

Warren’s meltdown during the Esper hearings also showcases another one of her many vulnerabilities on the national stage in that she is shrill, accusatory, hectoring and quite possibly the ONLY woman in politics who is even more unlikable than Hillary Clinton.

She also remains largely unknown to the majority of American voters who only tune in right before a presidential election every four years and a Warren vs. Trump contest will quickly bring out the worst in her due to her inability to control her impulses.