Lawmaker Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Complains That Somebody Needs To Fix Our Immigration Laws

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is a world-class moron but even she has to know what her current job is, right? Maybe not. The U.S. Rep. from New York recently complained that somebody needs to fix our immigration laws. If only there were someone who could make laws, like maybe a lawmaker, to handle this problem. I can only image at her last job as a bartender that she would bitch that nobody was making or serving drinks.

Please enjoy these deep thoughts from the shallow end of the pool:

There’s a lot of stupidity to unpack here, but the dumbest thing is that AOC thinks President Trump makes up our immigration laws. To be clear, he does not. He enforces that laws that Congress makes. Speaking of which, isn’t AOC a member of that lawmaking body? Maybe as a lawmaker, she should, you know, make some laws instead of complaint that nobody is making any laws.

While we are pointing out facts, let’s also mention that AOC and the democrats have no immigration proposals and refuse to work with Republicans on anything related to immigration. AOC even voted against a humanitarian aide package for detained illegal aliens.

The real issue here isn’t that nobody is fixing the immigration laws, but rather that democrats work overtime to stop president Trump from enforcing existing laws. The entire mess at the border and with our entire immigration system is because pinhead democrats like AOC not only won’t do their jobs but also try to keep Trump from doing his.

It’s actually a good thing AOC doesn’t know her job is as a lawmaker because the laws she wants to make are open borders and blanket amnesty for all illegal aliens. She’s under the impression letting hundreds of millions of third-world scumbags into our country will make us safer. I told you she’s an idiot.

She’s also a Sharpton-esque race hustler because the overall theme of this idiocy is that anyone who opposes the destruction of America through unchecked immigration is a racist. She’s saying that the purpose of our existing immigration laws is to exclude brown people. That anyone who doesn’t want illegal aliens taking over the country is “anti-immigrant” and therefore racist.

Finally, AOC’s application of liberal logic to this already stupid argument is nothing short of stunning. According to her, in order for someone to truly be against illegal immigration they would have to support decriminalizing it. That’s like saying that you can’t be against murder unless you want to see murder legalized, which is exactly as dumb as it sounds.

The most troubling thing about this is that this dipshit is a U.S. Rep. with the power to influence the laws of our country. She may not currently know the she’s a lawmaker, but she may figure it out someday and that will be frightening.