Los Angeles Councilman Blames Trump For City’s Homeless Crisis

Here are 2 empirical truths: 1) Any place run by democrats is a cess pool of of crime and filth and 2) democrats blame everyone besides themselves for the conditions under their rule. Chicago’s mayor blames the city’s crime on neighboring states and a Los Angeles councilman is blaming the city’s homeless crisis on President Trump.

President Trump has sent some of his people to Los Angeles to look at the city’s shameful homelessness. He is reportidly considering offering federal help to the hapless city, which has one of the dunces in charge furious. Here’ s what LA councilman Mike Bonin thinks about the feds stepping in to fix what he and his liberal coconspirators could not:

What inhume treatment does Trump have in store for the homeless by putting them in government facilities? 3 meals a day and a roof over their heads? Showers? medical treatment? Clearly the man is a monster.

Not only doesn’t Bonin want Trump to help the homeless of LA when he and the democratic leadership of the city refuse to, he actually blames the President for the crisis liberal polices and inaction created. Enjoy this unhinged tweet storm:

I’ll take things that never happened for $400, Alex.

A few months ago I saw on the local LA news that the city had spent $58 million dollars through the first half of the year on the homeless crisis and managed to not get one single person off of the street. Even worse, the number of homeless in LA had risen. If you can’t house even person with nearly $60 million, you should not be in charge of anything.

I live in the Los Angeles area and I see the homeless problem on a daily basis. There are tent cities all over the sidewalks, people shooting up drugs in plain sight, and human waste everywhere. The only reason why this exists is because democrats are are running the show and they money-wasting imbeciles.

I’m not kidding when I tell you that it is against the law for police to remove homeless people from public places. They can build a house out of garbage on the sidewalk in front of any business and there’s nothing police can do about it. They can use drugs and defecate in a park where children play and authorities have to look the other way. This is what democratic leadership looks like.

If president Trump is willing to help, Los Angeles should welcome that because they clearly can’t get anything done on their own. Because the city is ruled by liberal kooks, they all have Trump Derangement Syndrome and would rather see the city be a giant public toilet rather than accept real solutions from the bad orange man.