Beto O’Rourke Claims Texans Are Lining Up To Turn In Their AR-15s

Democratic presidential campaign Beto O’Rourke has a fantasy gun control plan where he’ll magically make the 2nd Amendment disappear and then confiscate tens of millions of guns from law-abiding Americans. He hasn’t explained how he’s going to achieve this but that’s okay because lies fit his narrative better than reality. According to the slacker doofus, people are are just going to surrender their guns to Beto because apparently his flailing arms work kind of like the Jedi Mind Trick. In fact, he says Texas are lining up to turn in their AR-15s and won’t even wait for him to become the dictator of this country.

At the democratic debate last week, O’Rourke laid out his reasonable gun control pan by saying, “Hell yes we’re going to take your AR-15, your AK-47.” He even printed this on a t-shirt to help his struggling presidential campaign.

Many people, myself included, wondered just how the world’s biggest beta-male would go about stealing legally-owned private property from millions of Americans. After eating some magic mushrooms and opening the gates to his fantasy world, he got his answer.

While tripping his balls off, O’Rourke said this on MSNBC:

“Using guns to hunt or self-defense makes a lot of sense to us here in Texas, but having a weapon of war, and even from those Texans who own AR-15s, they’ve told me this themselves, ‘I don’t need this. I don’t need this to hunt. I don’t need it to protect myself. It was fun to use. I like taking it out to the range, but if giving this back or cutting it to pieces or selling it to the government helps to keep us safer then by all means, let’s do it,’” said O’Rourke.

Show of hands: who thinks this is a real conversation that Beto O’Rourke ever had with any Texan?

There isn’t one single person in Texas who owns an AR-15 who wants to turn it over to the government. There isn’t on single person in the United States who owns an AR-15 and wants to get rid of it because liberals think they look scary. This is a lie that MSNBC would not attempt to fact-check.

Besides the pure absurdity of this claim, there’s some major red flags in O’Rourke’s claim that prove he’s lying. Gun owners and 2nd Amendment supporters do not believe gun ownership rights are tied to hunting as Beto says these fictional Texans said, that’s an entirely liberal narrative. Also, Texans sure as shit do hunt with AR-15s. It’s the best weapon available for taking care of feral hogs, which are a huge problem in the state.

O’Rourke must have eaten a whole bag of those psychedelic mushrooms because he also had a hallucination in the men’s restroom:

So a “longtime Republican” told him he was absolutely right on guns while pissing? Video or it didn’t happen. Also, it didn’t happen.

The liberal media keeps a running total of all the things they claim President Trump has lied about. This list is entirely things the President said in which they disagree and not necessarily anything that is untrue. Where’s the media tally on democrats’ lies, because Beto just told two whoppers right here?

Beto claiming gun owners want to get rid of their AR-15s is part of a coordinated democrat effort to justify their unpopular socialist/fascist agenda. Not long ago Bernie Sanders claimed that people would gladly pay more in taxes. I’m assuming that next Elizabeth Warren will say she talked to unborn babies and they are begging to be killed.