Hillary Clinton Believes God Wants Her To Be President

Just like fellow Illinoisans the Blues Brothers, Hillary Clinton believes she is on a mission from God. Unlike Jake and Elwood who were trying to save an orphanage, Hillary’s mission is much more self-serving. She believes that God wants her to be President of the United States. This is what happens when narcissism, entitlement, and paranoid delusion collide at the three-way intersection in her mind.

Former Bill Clinton presidential advisor Dick Morris went on a radio show and was asked about the speculation that Hillary is going to jump in the 2020 presidential race:

“She feels entitled to do it. She feels compelled to do it. She feels that God put her on the Earth to do it,” said Morris.

Huge, if true. Actually this shows what a crappy campaign Hillary ran in 2016 if even God himself couldn’t salvage it.

Morris then explained that Hillary is waiting for the perfect time to enter the democratic party field:

“She’s got to wait until Biden drops out because he’s obviously next in line for it, and if he goes away, there’s an opening for her,” said Morris.

Run, Joe, run! Hillary’s going to kill you!

Seriously, that’s one of the most ominous things to come out of the Clinton inner-circle. As soon as Joe Biden “goes away” Hillary will enter the race. Given the Clinton history of “disappearing” people who get in their way, this spells doom for Biden.

And this confirms it:

“Make no mistake she wants it. She’s planning on it. She’ll do everything she can to achieve it,” Morris said.

I’m going to miss Crazy Joe. I never wanted him to be president, but he is a great source of entertainment. He certainly doesn’t deserve t die so Hillary can fail a 3rd time at running for president.

The first problem with the theory that God wants Hillary to be POTUS is that she serves a darker more malevolent master. If she would have said that Satan wants her to be president, that would have been more believable.

Next, as was alluded to earlier, if God really did want her to be president, it would have happened in 2008 or 2016. It’s blasphemous for her to suggest that God has failed twice and more proof on who she actually serves. Hillary has a lot of excuses why she lost the 2016 election but “God dropped the ball” shouldn’t be one.

Lastly, God is not Hillary Clinton’s personal concierge, whipping up miracles to satisfy her selfish desires. That’s not how Christianity works and if she were truly a person of faith, she wouldn’t think things like this.

There is a chance, however slim, that there’s some truth to this. In the Bible, from time to time, God has destroyed cities, civilizations, and even the entire world because man had grown too wicked. If God wants Hillary Clinton to be President of the United States, that could be some Revelations end-time stuff. Has anyone checked her scalp for a “666” birthmark?

The problem with this doomsday scenario is Hillary Clinton herself. Anyone with eyes can clearly see she is the Beast and not the anti-Christ. She is a liar, but is more likely to rise up out of the sea and destroy the great kingdoms than to become the deceptive leader of anything.

I’m kind of joking, but I’m kind of not. In Revelation 13:1 one the Beast’s heads is described as having, “had a mortal wound which healed itself, causing people to wonder at it.” Remember when Hillary suffered a traumatic head injury in 2012, leading people to speculate about the health of her brain? That can’t be a coincidence. But again, Hillary only has 1 head, six shy of the Beast, so this is probably nothing to get worked up over.

The most likely scenario here is that Hillary Clinton has a degenerative brain disorder and thinks God is talking to her, telling her she should be president. While this is good news for the rest of us, it doesn’t bode well for Joe Biden. A Clinton with paranoid schizophrenia is even more dangerous than a calculating ambitious self-serving Clinton.