Susan Rice Is Bitching That Trump Didn’t Tell Obama About Baghdadi Raid

The pettiness of these people is unbelievable.

There has been much chatter from the usual suspects following the daring special operations raid that took out the terrorist monster Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi and all of it critical of President Trump.

From the president’s Saturday night tweet teasing that “something very big has just happened” until the Sunday morning press conference where Trump announced the killing of the ISIS leader, his political foes have been beside themselves.

Much weeping and gnashing of teeth taken place over the leader of the free world’s decision not to brief Nancy Pelosi and Adam Schiff who would have possibly leaked but one former Obama regime figure is whining about someone else.

According to former national security adviser Susan Rice, Trump did not follow “normal protocol” by giving a courtesy call to the former president.

Rice – who is up to her beady eyeballs in complicity with the coup against Trump – went on Sunday morning television and sniffed over the unconscionable slight of not informing Mr. Obama.

Transcript excerpt from CBS’s Deface Face The Nation:

MARGARET BRENNAN: What is your reaction to the death of al-Baghdadi?

SUSAN RICE: Obviously, it’s a major milestone and it’s one we all should be welcoming quite plainly, but it doesn’t mean that the fight against ISIS is over. And it doesn’t mean that we can declare mission accomplished and just walk away. What we’ve seen time and time again in this part of the world is that when the pressure is relieved on terrorist organizations, whether al-Qaeda or ISIS, they are able to reconstitute. So we need to be vigilant. We need to maintain a minimal presence in order to ensure that the pressure stays on ISIS and they don’t come back roaring.

MARGARET BRENNAN: Was President Obama informed of the death of al-Baghdadi by the administration? Did you know before the news today?

RICE: No, there’s no reason why I should know. There is a tradition of common courtesy of presidents informing their predecessors of things of significance like this. Since the White House seemingly didn’t feel it necessary to inform the leadership of the intelligence committees on a bipartisan basis, I’m quite confident that they didn’t do the normal protocol with respect to predecessors either.

Ms. Rice’s presence on CBS’s Sunday morning flagship is a continuation of the pattern of former Obama officials who are guilty of plotting against President Trump including James Clapper and John Brennan ending up with regular media gigs in what bears an eerie resemblance to state TV.

CBS host Margaret Brennan gave this scoundrel cover by failing to press her on how it was her own actions along with fellow warmongering harpies then secretary of state Hillary Clinton and Samantha “the unmasker” Power who are largely responsible for creating ISIS.

It was the regime-change operation in Libya that removed Muammar al-Gaddafi in Libya along with the Benghazi disaster and the destabilizing of Syria that allowed a blood-drenched fiend like Baghdadi to conduct a reign of terror in the first place.

Following her bitching about Trump’s dissing of dear leader, Rice moved on to CNN where she appeared with Don Lemon to push for impeachment to derail scrutiny over Ukraine where a good amount of the Democrat skullduggery to influence the 2016 election tool place – likely within the walls of the U.S. embassy.

The butcher Baghdadi is dead but there will be no justice until Susan Rice and her coup co-conspirators have been tried for their treason and locked up for a very long time.