This Kid Was Beaten For Either Wearing A MAGA Hat Or Because He’s White (Probably Both)

Cops don’t consider attacks against white people (straight white people) to be hate crimes and assaulting someone with a MAGA hat isn’t even a regular crime. A kid in Florida was beaten to a pulp by older black teenagers for either wearing a pro-Trump hat to school or because he is white and it’s probably both of these things. Since two negatives make a positive, does that mean authorities will treat this brutal beat down seriously? Don’t hold your breath.

A 14-year-old identified as Tyler recently bought a Trump 2020 hat with his own money and wore it to school one day. Older black students gave him so much crap that he never wore it again, but the bullying didn’t stop. For two weeks the kid was relentlessly teased and assaulted. Everything came to a head on November 21, when 5 black thugs and thugettes beat the holy hell out of Tyler on the bus.

Tyler’s mom posted a video of it on Twitter:

Tyler was hospitalized with bruising and head trauma. The nurse noted that Tyler had older bruising from previous bullying assaults.

5 black teenagers beating up a white kid over a MAGA has to be a hate crime, right? Not so much. The New York Post reached out to the local law enforcement and this is the response they got:

Five juveniles have been charged with first-degree misdemeanor battery in the incident, the Hamilton County Sheriff’s Office announced Friday, while citing “some misinformation” that was shared along with the video.

The attack also did not meet criteria for a hate crime, sheriff’s officials said.

Tyler’s mom gave a more detailed reason why the Sheriff doesn’t consider this a hate crime:

Wow. That’s a new one. As long as a bunch of cousins are doing the hating, it’s not hate.

There’s not much liberal media attention for this story. If the victim had been black or ,even better, Muslim, this would have been the top story coast-to-coast. A white Trump-supporting kid getting attacked by a mob of black thugs however doesn’t fit the liberal media narrative that the President enables racism and inspires hate.

The thing is, if 5 white teens beat the crap out of a black or Muslim kid, the first thing liberals would do is blame Trump. They’d say his “racist and xenophobic” rhetoric was directly responsible for the attack. If those are the rules, why isn’t liberal anti-Trump anti-white rhetoric responsible for the attack on Tyler? The answer is because liberals are hypocrites who live with a special set of rules for themselves that excuses them from all of their horribleness.