Front Hole? Trans People Have All Kinds Of Weird New Names For Genitals

Having successfully (not really) redefined pronouns, transgender folks are now taking on genitals with a whole host of wacky names for ding-dongs and hoo-has. A vagina is now a “front hole” and chances are it will soon be a hate crime to use the word “vagina.” At the very least it will get you banned from Twitter like “dead naming” a tranny or using improper pronouns.

The Human Rights Council couldn’t find any real human rights violations in the entire world so they came up with this handy dandy guide to transgender genital names instead. Enjoy:

DICK: We use this word to describe external genitals. Dicks come in all shapes and sizes and can belong to people of all genders.

FRONT HOLE: We use this word to talk about internal genitals, sometimes referred to as a vagina. A front hole may self-lubricate, depending on age and hormones.

STRAPLESS: We use this word to describe the genitals of trans women who have not had genital reconstruction (or “bottom surgery”), sometimes referred to as a penis.

VAGINA: We use this word to talk about the genitals of trans women who have had bottom surgery.

Let’s see if I have this straight (pun intended): A “dick” is the fake penis of a trans person formed out of back fat but a real penis a person is born with is called a “strapless”? And actual vaginas are called “front holes” while “vaginas” are the surgically-created dugouts of trans people? I think these weirdos are trying to culturally appropriate our normal-people genitals.

Also, is it odd that they don’t have a funny name for the butthole like “loading dock” or “manhole?”

It’s also a little confusing that genital reconstruction surgery is called “bottom surgery.” What do they call butt lifts or implants? Penis and vagina surgery?

This is not explained, but the guide does list several other important trans medical procedures. Here’s hw a dude becomes a chick:

Orchiectomy: Remove the balls (testes)

Penectomy: Remove a strapless

Vaginoplasty: Form all vaginal structures

Again, “balls” don’t get a zany name either. Oh well, here’s how a she becomes a he:

Vaginectomy: Remove the front hole

Metoidioplasty: Free a dick exposed to hormones from the
ligaments in the labia to let it hang lower

Phalloplasty: Form a larger dick (with implant for creating an erection) using skin grafted from the arm, back, or thigh

You don’t removes holes, you fill them in. I suggest using Slutty Putty for a tight seal.

This guide is attempting to normalize transgenderism, but achieves the complete opposite. The claim is that trannies are just like normal people: a man who chops off his dong is now an actual woman and a woman who seals off her vag is now an actual man. This is not true, but if it were, why wouldn’t they just use the regular names for genitals instead of coming up with bizarre terms? This is an admission that transgender people are abnormal freaks.

This is also a confession that the Human Rights Council has literally nothing better to do with their time than come up with and communicate weird names for weirdos’ private parts. Go work in a soup kitchen or help build a house for a homeless vet.