He Is No Longer Spartacus: Cory Booker Drops Out Of Presidential Race

The white-out is almost complete. The party of diversity got rid of another pesky minority today when Cory Booker dropped out of the presidential race. That now leaves the democratic party with almost no candidates who aren’t rich old white people. Democrats will surly blame Booker’s exit on racism, without realizing that they are accusing themselves of being racist because that’s how much they lack in self-awareness.

Booker released this video announcing the suspension of his campaign and for a lot of people it was probably the first time they realized he was running for president:

“Today I’m suspending my campaign for president with the same spirit with which it began,” announced Booker.

Anonymously? With no fanfare or excitement? With the same number of supporters? On a Spartacus moment?

Booker joins Julian Castro and Kamala Harris as minority democrats who have recently dropped out of the race. That just leaves Andrew Chang and Tulsi Gabbard as the only non-white democratic party presidential candidates. For a party that touts itself as diverse and inclusive, super white Joe Biden, Bernie Sanders, and Elizabeth Warren looks more like the board of trusties at a KKK retirement home.

And while the democrats will play lip service to the shame of losing another person of color, while lamenting the inherent racism that drove Booker out, the real reason his campaign never caught on is because he’s a lunatic. Find one picture of Cory Booker where he doesn’t look like a crazy person. Find one video of him where he’s not going off on a spastic rant. I can’t find these things because they don’t exist.

Another reason why Booker is gone is because he was part of a faction of democrats that were running almost exclusively on gun control extremism. Booker wanted to ban most firearms and turn law-abiding America gun owners into felons, which he promised to throw in jail.

Democrats can pretend they care about stopping “gun violence” but all of the candidates with whacko gun control plans have failed miserably. Eric Swalwell threatened to nuke American gun owners who refused to disarm but instead his campaign was vaporized. Former party superstar Beto O’Rourke said “Hell yes we’re going to take your AR-15” and he flamed out soon after. Now Cory Booker is gone.

In fact, Def-Con News predicted gun control would be the death of Booker’s campaign:

Gun control is such a losing issue that it can accurately predict who will drop out of the race next. All the 2020 dems are in favor of gun control but some of the candidates are more extreme than others and their days are numbered:

Cory Booker wants to ban most guns and turn millions of law-abiding gun owners into felons, which he promised he would jail. Booker’s cash flow has dried up and he’s polling at 3%. He’ll drop out in the next couple of weeks.

We also predicted Kamala Harris’ demise, though we thought she might hang on a little longer:

Kamala Harris has promised to use executive action on her first day in office to bypass Congress and enact gun control laws. Harris recently cut most of her campaign staff and is polling at 5%. She may hang on until the Iowa caucuses but will end her candidacy soon after.

Look out Pete Buttigieg, Def-Con News also predicted your anti-gun extremism will cause you to end your campaign.

So Cory Booker is gone, but the news is not all bad. Now the NJ Senator won’t have to pull off the campaign trail to attend President Trump’s impeachment trial acquittal in the Senate. The bad news is, he’s still Cory Booker.