AOC Blames Voter Suppression For Bernie’s Failing Campaign

Bernie Sanders was doing great until he wasn’t. He started the democratic primary season strong but then people decided they’d rather have a crazy guy than a communist and Sanders got his ass kicked on Super and Mini Tuesdays. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, one of Bernie’s biggest cheerleaders, thinks she knows why. According to the dingbat Rep., who blames everything on racism, it’s racist voter suppression that is keeping Bernie’s socialist revolution down.

AOC actually went on Fox to do an interview with Bret Baier and it was as fun as anyone could imagine. As a Sanders surrogate, AOC was asked why she thought Bernie’s once-promising campaign was in such trouble.

“You did a campaign event at the University of Michigan. Had 10,00 people. It was like a rock star status. But those kids did not show up, at least if you look at the numbers, just overall this race. So, how can you say the progressive position is still prevailing nationwide when Joe Biden is winning so much?” Baier asked.

“Well, I think one thing that we, that isn’t being talked about is the rampant voter suppression in this country. Right there, in Ann Arbor, where we had that rally, those kids were waiting three hours in line to vote in Michigan. And so when we talk about who’s turning out and who’s not turning out, we absolutely…” Ocasio-Cortez said.

AOC forgot that she was on FOX and not MSNBC, where they let her spew bullshit uncontested. Baier interrupted her to get some clarification.

“So, just to be clear, you’re saying that you think voters didn’t get to vote that wanted to vote in Michigan?” Baier asked.

“Absolutely. You know, obviously there’s also more that we need to do in terms of turning out youth voters. It’s, we need to make sure that we’re inspiring young people to turn out, but when you do turn out, you should not be waiting three, four, seven hours in order to vote. And that causes people to leave,” said Ocasio-Cortez.

AOC seems to be under the impression that standing in a line to vote is voter suppression. That’s nuts, but the important thing here is that she definitely said that voter suppression is the reason why Bernie Sanders did poorly in Michigan.

The Daily Caller tweeted out a video with AOC’s claim of voter suppression, and she immediately denied ever saying it:

It’s crazy enough that AOC is denying she said voter suppression is responsible for Bernie’s failing campaign when she subtweeted a video of her saying exactly that. It’s even more insane because she’s claiming that voter suppression is a racist thing that primarily targets black people.

The reason why Bernie isn’t doing so well is because most of the blacks are voting for Joe Biden. If voter suppression was keeping the black people exclusively from voting, that would actually be good for Bernie.

Adding another dimension to this lunacy, AOC’s position is that normally voter suppression only targets black people, but in this case it only went after young white socialists who would have voted for Bernie. It’s amazing how that works, huh?

There’s no voter suppression going on here, but definitely some intelligence suppression.