Politico Promotes BS Virtual Moms Demand Action Anti-Gun Protest

Moms Demand Action is the fake grassroots anti-gun group owned and bankrolled by billionaire midget Michael Bloomberg and run by ultimate “Karen” Shannon Watts. Though the group claims to have millions of members, whenever they hold a protest there are at best a handful of angry moms yelling about the evils of Constitutional rights. During the coronavirus lockdown, the uppity moms can’t stage an unimpressive outdoor protest so they held a virtual one that Politico messed their pants over.

Politico wants you to think that Moms Demand Action is a huge influential organization, but first they insist on showing that liberals are morally and intellectually superior to all others. Check this shit out:

Unlike conservative protesters — who have stormed state capitols in recent days to urge governors to reopen their states, risking the spread of coronavirus — left-leaning groups are putting safety first.

Those damn conservatives. Apparently they are so bad, Politico had to hit ‘em twice:

Left-leaning groups are relying on a combination of creativity and technology to keep their supporters engaged in the coronavirus era — without putting their members or volunteers in harm’s way. That stands in contrast to in-person protests conservatives are staging against local lockdowns at statehouses across the country, which in many cases violate social distancing guidelines.

With that out of the way, Politico got down to the business of squeeing over Moms Demand Action’s awesome virtual protest:

Hundreds of gun-control advocates got together Thursday to celebrate “gun-sense” candidates. They didn’t wear masks or gloves or stay in their vehicles to maintain proper social distancing.

But that’s because they never left home.

Colorado Senate candidate John Hickenlooper and Reps. Lucy McBath of Georgia and Sharice Davids of Kansas headlined the pro-gun restriction virtual rally Thursday afternoon, joining more than 500 volunteers from Moms Demand Action for Guns Sense in America on Zoom…

Pictures or it didn’t happen. There are no pictures.

The thing about Moms Demand Action protests is that the liberal media will report huge numbers of participants, but the pictures to go along with these fluff pieces shows only 5 or 6 angry moms.

With this virtual MDA protest, Politico all engages in some creative statistics as well. They say “hundreds” participated and then came up with the number of 500 gun-hating Karens. But suddenly Politico escalates that number to way more than 800. Liberal math is amazing.

After weeping that the coronavirus forced MDA to cancel their rally in Sacramento, Politico reports the virtual event, “garnered even higher turnout than the 800 or so people who had RSVP’d for the physical event.”

So hundreds becomes 500 and then turns into more than 800? Again, pix or it didn’t happen. Where’s the screenshot of 800-plus anti-gun morons in a Zoom gathering? Can you even get 800 people in a Zoom gathering? I’ve been on Zoom with a dozen people and it was a pain in the ass.

Also, why the hell would Moms Demand Action hold a rally in Sacramento, the capitol of California, a state with the toughest gun control laws in the country? Whatever these moms are demanding, California has already given them.

Moms Demand Action counts Facebook likes and retweets as “members” so perhaps they are including views on YouTube for this stupid virtual protest as “participants.” 800 views ain’t all that impressive when you consider this weird-ass thing has 29 million views:

You’re welcome for being introduced to Ladybaby.

After shaming freedom loving conservatives and lying about MDA’s “massive protest,” Politico gave Shannon Watts some space to be full of shit:

“I get asked a lot by volunteers: ‘Should we be talking about gun violence? Is that appropriate?’ And I always say: ‘If we don’t, who will? Because the coronavirus crisis is exacerbating our gun violence crisis,’” said Watts.

So people who don’t exist are asking Shannon Watts questions? And she’s answering those questions? I’m starting to think this bitch might be crazy.

On top of using the coronavirus as a lame excuse to push gun control, the lockdown has been a blessing for Shannon Watts. Before when there was an MDA protest, the pictures didn’t lie that her group has almost no members. Now, she can claim hundreds or thousands of people are participating in her anti-gun activities and the liberal media will gleefully help promote the lie.