Sheriff Tells Black Lives Matter-Supporting Library Not To Call 911

According to leftist lunatics saying “All Lives Matter” is racist because it is against “Black Lives Matter” which is absurd considering how inclusive the word “all” is. On the other hand, supporting Black Lives Matter does mean opposing law enforcement since the movement believes cops are racists and wants to defund the police. A library in Nevada put out a message in support of BLM, which prompted the local Sheriff to tell not bother calling 911 anymore if they have a problem.

The Reno Gazette Journal reports that a library in Douglas County, NV put out a statement in support of Black Lives Matter because for some reason the board of trustees felt the need to politicize book lending.

“We support #BlackLivesMatter. We resolutely assert and believe that all forms of racism, hatred, inequality and injustice don’t belong in our society,” read the library statement.

Douglas County Sheriff Dan Coverley felt, and rightly so, that this library statement was a shot at his office and deputies so he issued a statement of his own:

“Due to your support of Black Lives Matter and the obvious lack of support or trust with the Douglas County Sheriff’s Office, please do not feel the need to call 911 for help. I wish you good luck with disturbances and lewd behavior, since those are just some of the recent calls my office has assisted you with in the past,” Coverley wrote.

Hell yes.

This actually managed to get better:

“Numerous Black Lives Matter protests have resulted in violence, property damage and the closing of local businesses, sometimes permanently. To support this movement is to support violence and to openly ask for it to happen in Douglas County,” Coverley added.

There’s not one thing that isn’t true in that statement. He did forget the part about Black Lives Matter being marxists bent on destroying the entire country, but his point comes across loud and clear.

Library Director Amy Dodson realized that they done f*cked up and tried to explain that the statement, “was meant to state our inclusivity at the library, that we are open and welcoming to everyone and we treat everyone equally.”

Supporting Black Lives Matter is picking a side and that side is anti-police. That’s the complete opposite of being inclusive and welcoming everyone.

“I want the sheriff’s office to know we do love and support our law enforcement here. We would never want to support a movement to defund the police, so to speak. I think a lot of this has been a big misunderstanding,” said Dodson.

The library board of trustees was supposed to hold a meeting Tuesday to officially adopt this anti-police statement but had to cancel “due to overwhelming amount of community response.” In other words the people of Douglas County were pissed that their local library was becoming leftist political crusaders.

I think Sheriff Coverley has the right idea. Police should keep a list of all the business and residents that display Black Lives Matter messages and exclude them from emergency services.  And really, if these anti-police losers weren’t so full fo shit, they wouldn’t even want to call the cops in the first place. Notice I qualified that with an “if.”