Wednesday Morning Breakfast For The Brain

Good morning Deplorables. Had enough of the communist insurrection yet?

American ‘Stormtroopers’ — A Bright Shining Lie

By Patrick J. Buchanan

With the Mark O. Hatfield United States Courthouse under nightly siege from violent radicals, and Portland’s police hard-pressed to protect it, President Trump sent in federal agents to secure the building.

The reaction from Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi:

“The use of stormtroopers under the guise of law and order is a tactic that is not appropriate to our country in any way.”

Majority Whip James Clyburn endorsed the speaker’s equating of the U.S. law enforcement officers to Ernst Rohm’s SA thugs being deployed to do the dirty work of Adolph Hitler.

“Nobody asked the federal government to come into Portland. Nobody asked them to come to Seattle,” ranted Clyburn. “This is something that’s made up of whole cloth by this administration as an excuse for sending in stormtroopers to incite the people.”

Clyburn had earlier compared the U.S. officers sent to Portland to Heinrich Himmler’s Nazi secret police: “This president and this attorney general seem to be doing everything they possibly can to impose Gestapo activities on local communities, and this is what I’ve been warning about for a long time.”

His Gestapo comparison recalls Sen. Abe Ribicoff’s denunciation of the Chicago police of Mayor Richard J. Daley during the 1968 Democratic National Convention, after police clashed with radicals in Grant Park: “With George McGovern, we wouldn’t have Gestapo tactics in the streets of Chicago!”

What do the men and women of the FBI, DEA, ICE, DHS, CBP and the U.S. Marshals Service think of congressional leaders who equate them with Nazi stormtroopers and the Gestapo?

Outraged that Trump sent in federal agents to protect a building they had under siege for weeks, the Portland mob came out in even greater numbers and rioted through the weekend. Saturday night, there were solidarity riots with Portland in Seattle, Oakland, Austin, Richmond, and other cities.

Consider the depth of hatred of Trump that would cause leaders of the Democratic Party to compare U.S. law enforcement to Nazis.

Still, to date, no apologies have been heard.

Yet, as police are again being cursed and showered with debris, it is hard to see how this country reunites, and around what, no matter which party prevails in November.

In addition to the reigniting of protests and riots in urban centers there has come, in tandem with demands to “defund the police,” a surge in violent crime. Last week, Trump offered some staggering statistics:

“In New York City, over 300 people were shot in the last month alone, a 277 … percent increase over the same period of a year ago. Murders this year have spiked 27 percent in Philadelphia and 94 percent in Minneapolis compared to the same period in 2019.

Read the entire article HERE.

Domestic Enemies: Democrat Traitors Stand by Communist China’s Spy Consulates

Via Front Page Magazine

On Tuesday, Houston firefighters arrived at 3417 Montrose Boulevard. Neighbors had reported smoke and a burning smell at the Chinese consulate. The consulate, which had been given 72 hours to close by the State Department, did not let them in even as the smoke continued to waft into the summer air.

Video showed consulate employees throwing paper into burning bins.

“We have directed the closure of PRC Consulate General Houston, in order to protect American intellectual property and American’s private information,” the State Department had warned.

The Houston consulate had become notorious for trying to intimidate American elected officials in Texas and nearby states, as well as American energy companies, especially those doing business in Asia. Some have also linked the Houston consulate to Chinese espionage against American tech and medical firms.

FBI investigations into the Houston consulate involved theft of medical research, recruiting researchers to get at scientific secrets, and forcing Chinese nationals to return to the People’s Republic of China.

Why would the People’s Republic of China have thought that Houston would be a safe base for spying on and intimidating Americans? Houston and Texas Democrats quickly rushed to provide the answer.

Rep. Al Green, who had hosted a luncheon at the spy consulate, accused President Trump of racism.

“Don’t give the impression, please Mr. President, that they are all spies,” Green whined. “My appeal is to the president to understand that his words take on a meaning that can be harmful to other people.”

Rep. Green then went on to suggest that Trump had endangered his constituents by referring to the pandemic as the ‘China virus’, and suggested that Trump’s actions might be leading to “more anti-Asian American violence, or worse, internment.”

Read the entire article HERE.

COVID-19 Shows America Is Vulnerable To Biological Terror, And Weaponized Viruses Are Surprisingly Easy To Make

Via Zero Hedge

In this article, I want to talk about something that has been on my heart for quite a while.  Over the last several months, we have all seen the chaos that the COVID-19 pandemic has caused all over the globe.  Overall, more than 16 million confirmed cases have been reported worldwide, and more than 650,000 people have died.  But of course those raw numbers do not tell the entire story.  This virus has struck fear into the hearts of billions of people all over the world and has thrown the entire global economy into a devastating economic depression.  After watching what COVID-19 has done to us, it is inevitable that many of those that wish to do us harm will be inspired to look into the feasibility of purposely releasing viruses that are even deadlier than COVID-19 inside the United States.  Thanks to dramatic leaps in technology over the last couple of decades, it has become very easy to create and weaponize viruses, and once such a biological weapon is released we may never even know who attacked us.

I wanted to know who else was talking about this, and so I did a search for articles on biological terror, and I found an NBC News piece that was published back in May

The COVID-19 pandemic has exposed a structural vulnerability to biological attacks in the U.S. and Europe that requires urgent government action, multiple current and former national security and public health officials told NBC News.

Former officials in the U.S. and the U.K. warn that the devastating impact of the coronavirus on health care infrastructures and economies may act as a “neon light” for terrorist groups looking to unleash pathogens on Western nations.

In this instance, NBC News is right on the money.

I can just imagine a bunch of terrorists sitting around watching a news report about how COVID-19 is crippling the United States and seeing their eyes light up when they suddenly realize the possibilities.

And when I use the term “terrorists” in this article, I am using it in a very broad sense.  We tend to think of terrorists as bearded men from the Middle East that like to run around shooting people and blowing things up, but the truth is that a “terrorist” can be anyone that seeks to use violence to advance an insidious agenda.  There are certainly quite a few foreign organizations and foreign governments that would love to see the United States collapse, and it has become clear that there are actually millions of people inside the United States that hate America and would love to see it come to an end.

On top of all that, there are countless people around the world that have been taught that our planet is massively overpopulated and that the human population is a “plague” that needs to be controlled before it destroys the world.  Someone with that twisted worldview may actually believe that they are “saving the globe” by releasing a deadly pathogen that kills billions of people.

I could go on all day, but I think that you get the point.  There are many different reasons why someone may want to release a deadly virus, and COVID-19 has shown everyone how incredibly vulnerable we are.

Read the entire article HERE.

The NFL Just Declared War On Church

Via The Federalist

A deal reached by the National Football Leauge and the NFL Players Association bans players from attending any indoor church services that are above 25 percent capacity, multiple sources told NBC Sports on Saturday.

Alongside its restrictions on attending worship services, the collective bargaining agreement (CBA) also prohibits players from attending indoor nightclubs and bars (except for take-out), indoor concerts, professional sports games, and indoor parties that include 15 or more people.

The deal has not been publicly released, but NBC Sports made no mention of any restrictions on attending protests. Meanwhile, the NFL’s Twitter account has been sharing and celebrating pictures of players engaging in protests around the country.

As with more typical CBAs, players can face fines if they don’t comply with the restrictions on church and the other activities listed. The fines for each offense can vary, and while they haven’t been revealed for this agreement, violating the CBA used to regulate conduct on the field can result in fines from $5,000 to over $70,000.

NBC Sports also reported that players who test positive for Covid-19 after violating the CBA won’t be paid for games they aren’t able to attend. They would also forego any future guarantees made in their contracts.

If players do violate the rules, NBC Sports speculates that teams may “rely on contacts within the community to contact the team if/when violations are witnessed,” or even use a tip line. In other words, members of the community would be encouraged to report players they see trying to attend church. Other ideas suggested by NBC include tracking players or stationing officials at “local establishments,” potentially including players’ houses of worship.

Read the entire article HERE.

Trump Now Wearing 178 Masks To Show He Is Most Patriotic American Of All Time

Via The Babylon Bee (Satire)

WASHINGTON, DC—After Trump’s recent patriotic tweet depicting him wearing a patriotic COVID mask patriotically, Hollywood celebrities and Democrats have responded by posting pictures of themselves wearing 2 or even 3 masks to prove they are far more patriotic than Donald Trump.

“I am more patriotic than Donald J. Trump,” declared Alyssa Milano in a video depicting her entire head covered in masks. Lady Gaga also responded by snapping an Instagram photo of her wearing a dress made completely out of COVID masks.

Not to be outdone, Trump tweeted yet another photograph of himself covered from head to toe in 178 masks, shutting down all those other fake patriots forever.

The tweet reads as follows: “Look at your FAVORITE president covered in thousands and thousands of the most BEAUTIFUL masks! PATRIOTIC!”

CNN was quick to fact-check the president’s dubious claim of wearing “thousands and thousands” of masks. A team of scientists and counting experts was able to confirm the number of masks was more likely less than 200.

Check out all of the Bee’s takes on politics and culture HERE.

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