Kamala Becomes Joe, Claims COIVID-19 Has Killed 220 Million Americans

They say when couples are together long enough they begin to act alike. I can’t imagine that Joe Biden’s handlers let Kamala Harris anywhere near him, so it doesn’t make much sense that she is becoming him. As you know, Joe is confused about a lot of things but has particular trouble with numbers. Kamala Harris just told a massive crowd of 2 people that COVID-19 has killed 220 millions Americans in the past few months. Joe must be so proud of his protege.

Here’s Kamala at a baseball stadium talking to a pair of undecided voters:

“We’re in the middle of a crisis caused by this pandemic and it’s a public health crisis,” started Harris.

Hey look, Kamala is even getting Joe’s nonsense down too. She just said that there is a crisis that is a crisis. Imagine that. Next, she displayed Joe’s flair for numbers:

“We’re looking at over 220 million Americans who, just in the last several months, have died,” said Harris.

Huge if true. The pre-pandemic population for the United States was 328 million, so 220 million of them dying in the last several months is catastrophic. No wonder the traffic is down on Def-Con News, two-thirds of the country are dead.

Actually, I just checked the CDC numbers and only 220,000 Americans have died from the coronavirus, so there’s no need to panic. Then again, maybe President Trump has told the CDC to lie about the real statistics.

With this inflated number, the pupil becomes the master as Kamala beat Joe’s bullshit COVID-19 deaths by a bunch.

In May, when the COVID deaths were around 60,000, Biden said it was 600,000 and that all of the deceased were crazy people. Takes one to know one.

A couple week later, Joe said that the coronavirus had killed “billions of people” and then amended that to be “millions of people” which is quite a jump in fatalities.

In June, Biden brought the death toll down to a more reasonable 120 million Americans, which was still ten times more than reality.

Generally speaking “several” means 3 or 4. Kamala says that 220 million Americans have died in the last 3 or 4 months, so that covers back through July. Put that with the 120 million Joe said died by June and the Biden/Harris ticket says 360 million Americans have died in the pandemic so far.

Again, our population is only 328 million, so the coronavirus is so deadly that it double-killed at least 32 million people in this country.

While it seems devastating that everyone in the whole country is dead, it’s great news for Biden and Harris since democrats count on dead people voting them into office. Maybe that’s why Kamala was chuckling when she said “220 million Americans…have died.” No seriously, go watch the video again, she’s actually thinks it’s funny that so many people have died.

The only thing that can stop Biden/Harris now is if their numbers are off. Considering that I am still alive and so are 328 million of you, the smart money is on them being mentally incapacitated and wrong.