Biden Offers $100 Billion To Teachers Unions Who Say Reopening Schools Is Racist

Joe Biden has threatened 100 days of mask-wearing mandates and possible lockdowns to fight COVID-19 if he should assume the office of the president so he’s already a disaster. When it comes to reopening schools, he says he’s talked to the teachers unions and has promised them $100 billion dollars, which is apparently a big enough bribe to make them forget that reopening schools is sexist and racist.

The teachers unions have been fighting the reopening of public schools because they say the coronavirus makes it too dangerous. There is no science to back this up as kids rarely get COVID-19 so the Chicago Teachers Union came up with another lame reason why they shouldn’t have to do their jobs:

“The push to reopen schools is rooted in sexism, racism, and misogyny,” wrote CTU.

Isn’t misogyny already rooted in sexism? This seems redundant. There was no further explanation as to how providing children an education is sexist and racist, but the unions’ push to keep schools closed was never rooted in reality to begin with.

As you can see, the Chicago Teachers union deleted this ridiculous tweet and this may be why:

“I’ve spoken with the leaders of the unions and I’ve uh, there is a clear plan that’s been laid out. We can safely open those elementary schools, where the highest risk of people transmitting the disease, number one,” said Biden.

Number one: elementary schools are one of the lowest risk places to transmit the disease, but please carry on with your bullshit, Joe.

“Number two, we can make it safe for teachers if we invest in what needs to be done. Number one, sanitizing the schools. Number two, making sure that they have ventilation. Number three, making sure there’s smaller pods of children meaning you need more teachers. You gotta pay for this stuff,” Biden continued.

Biden’s numbering system is all over the place but just how much is this “investment” going to cost?

“It was estimated that we could open those schools for somewhere around 100 billion dollars nationwide. That’d be the cost for a year,” said Biden.

That’s one hell of a kickback to the teachers unions. No wonder they no longer care that opening schools is sexist and racist.

Keep in mind that this $100 billion annual tribute only covers elementary schools. Middle and high schools would obviously require hundreds of billions more.

Joe Biden cut a lot of deals to steal the 2020 election and now it’s time to make good on them. He has to fill his cabinet with communists to appease the radical left faction of the democratic party. He has to decriminalize crime and defund the police to kiss Black lives Matter’s ass. Most of all however, he has to funnel billions in taxpayer money to the unions for their support, which means we all get to help finance his illegitimate presidency.