Liar Kamala Harris Says They’re Not Coming After Our Guns

Following the radical Islamic attack in Colorado, illegitimate president Joe Biden called for an “assault weapons” ban. Illegitimate vice president Kamala Harris says that doesn’t mean they’re coming after anyone’s guns. Unless there has been a radical shift in the definition of ban, Harris is lying her Kamaltoe off here. Banning guns means they’re coming after people’s guns.

After a Muslim terrorist killed 10 people in Boulder, Colorado, Biden figured the problem was American’s 2nd Amendment rights and not radical Islam. As such, this was his solution:

“We can ban assault weapons and high-capacity magazines in this country,” said Biden. “This is not and should not be a partisan issue. This is an American issue that will save lives. American lives. And we have to act. We should also ban assault weapons in the process.”

Biden’s assault weapons ban includes a mandatory buy-back of existing semi-automatic firearms, which is a nice way of saying it includes gun confiscation. Banning and confiscating guns is “coming after people’s guns” no matter how you spin it.

Speaking of which, here’s a big fat liar spinning like a top:

“And I believe it is possible, it has to be possible that people agree that these slaughters have to stop,” started Harris.

She means mass shootings, not Islamic terrorism, has to stop.

“And this is again, reject the false choice, stop pushing it for sure, stop pushing the false choice that this means everybody’s trying to come after your guns, that is not what we’re talking about,” said Harris.

What is she talking about then? Biden demanded an assault weapons ban.

Kamala’s “false choice” is choosing between stopping “these slaughters” and coming after everyone’s guns, which is false since their solution is to ban and confiscate guns.

Obviously she’s talking out of her ass because she doesn’t actually provide the false choice she claims exists. What she’s trying to say is that it’s false to believe that they are coming for our guns and that is a lie.

The only thing truthful in her statement is that “everybody” isn’t coming after our guns, just he U.S. Government, which is currently controlled by the democrats. Republicans aren’t coming for our guns, model train hobbyists aren’t coming for our guns, just the democrats.

Kamala wants us to “reject” the idea that they are coming for our guns because accepting the reality of Biden’s ban and confiscation would be very unpopular. So much so, that democrats would likely get the armed insurrection they keep saying is coming.

Yes, they are coming for our guns and, yes, Kamala Harris is lying that they aren’t. The only thing weird here is that Kamala didn’t burst out in laughter when she delivered this bullshit. My guess is the White House handlers have been working with her to help her appear less phony than she is.