Joe Biden Tells Story About Truck Drivin’ ‘Big Mama’

As you know, Joe Biden has created this fantasy world where he used to drive a truck. Today he expanded that fictitious universe by telling a story about his truck driving days when he encounter “Big Mama.” It’s unclear if Big Mama knowns Corn Pop but they both inhabit that dead zone between Joe’s ears.

Joe held some kind of thing at the White House about fixing the supply chain issues he has caused. He started by mentioning that his dead son Beau won a Bronze Star in the Army and then called Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigeig, “Say say saycratery.”

With a couple of semi trucks in the background, Biden noted, “I used to drive a truck. It’s a long story.”

And by “long” he meant untrue.

From there, Biden mentioned that he wants to get more women of color driving trucks, because apparently that’s why shit costs so much right now: a lack of black female truck drivers.

Which brings us to Biden’s bullshit trucking story of the day:

“I’m going to regress for a second,” started Biden.

I’m not sure that’s the word he was looking for but it seems appropriate.

“During the trucker’s strike years later when I was a young Senator I was, there was a guy, he ran steel from Deemer Steel out to Ohio and I so decided to ride out with him to see what it was like with the strike,” Biden said.

So pro-union Joe, crossed the picket line during a trucker’s strike to ride along with a trucker? His bullshit story has him admitting to being a scab. And while the story started out with him riding in the truck, he was suddenly driving it:

“I was driving, going through Shiloh, Ohio and uh and he was his handle was ‘Big Ten” and member everybody all the truck stops were being blockaded at the time in durry the strike?” Biden asked.

I don’t think anybody remembers that, let alone President Alzheimers.

“And he called and said, ‘Big Ten wanting to come in.’ I forget exactly how he said it. And the only woman truck driver I ever knew I met that day and she says, ‘This is Big Mama. No room.’ Swear to God, true story,” said Biden.

He’s already going to hell for the abortion thing, what’s one more lie to his creator?

“Swear to God he za he za, “I got a United States Senator driving my truck.” She za, “I got the damn president in mine, so what?’ I’ll never forget that. I was a very powerful guy. Anyway, that was the first woman trucker I met,” Biden finished.

There’s many reasons to doubt this story and the first is because it came out of Joe Biden’s mouth. The second is because he’s never told this story before. Even his lies get told over and over again. He’s been around trucks dozens of times since stealing the White House and never offered up this fantasy tale.

Plus it sounds like a load of crap: Joe Biden, a pro-union U.S. Senator, went against a union protest to ride or drive a load of steel to Ohio while Congress was in session, for shits and giggles? I looked it up and the Trucker’s strike of 1974 started on January 31 and yes, Congress was in session during the entire time.

Other more tangible reasons to disbelieve this story are the many inconsistencies. First he was riding, then he was driving. First he said Big Mama was “the only” woman truck driver he ever met and then she was “the first” woman truck driver he met. Also, he didn’t meet her. In this story, there was communication with her over the CB radio and that’s not meeting someone.

Additionally, Shiloh, Ohio is in the middle of nowhere, not off of any interstate or major highway. What are the chances there is a truck stop there?

The funniest thing about this fake story is, the 1974 trucker’s strike was in protest of high gas prices. Imagine what Big Mama would think about what Joe has done to the cost of fuel now.